Chapter IV: Dimming

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Hello their you religious fanatics, and scientific logistics. It is I the saviour of the free world. PewsAgnostic98, today we are exploring Uriel once again. Hope you are all exited to see this. Anyway, enough with the banter and lets get onwith the story!

Enjoy Le Story

PS: 'Info': Main character's

'Info': Others thought


September 2 2098, Diary entry no. 12

Dear Diary

On this day, Uriel was killed. The one face that stood by me, was now gone. It hurts. I wish I could have said to him 'I love you' before all of this happened. I should have been the one who got shot instead, I should have been the one to die. But Uriel, he protected me. That man was after me, I should have just let him take me so none of this would have happened, and Uriel would be alive. But I let my fear get in the way, and look what happened.

Tomorrow, Uriel's funeral would be held by the school. I don't if I'll be attending it, the principal said it would help me cope with reality. But I cant accept this as reality, a reality in which Uriel was gone. I want to be with Uriel again, to talk to him, walk with him home, study with him even if it was just for a moment. I want to tell him that I loved him.


Uriel's POV

We arrived at our destination. The smell of it like that of charcoal, and sulfur, the walls seemed like obsidian, with rust colored lines trailed on its surface. Not just that, but the temperature seemed higher, which may indicate that we were somewhere underground. "Where are we?" I asked, looking at the walls, and ceiling which looked to be in a similar design. "I guess you can call this our hideout, I'll take you on tour later." The demon said, sarcastically. We arrive at another room. It was different from what I expected however ,instead of a magma filled crater, it looked like it came from Earth.

The room was dome shaped like an observatory, at the front was a giant screen with a GPS like look, near the entrance was a white throne-like chair bolted to the ground it overlooked the rest of the room like a king to his subordinates, the rest of the room was outlined with computers like that of a command centre, in the middle of was a round table, also bolted to the ground, it had the same GPS like look as the screen.

"I didn't expect Demons to have such advanced technology." I commented, as I walked around the room, tracing my hand on the the computers to get a feel for it. It truly was incredible, Angels and Demons being able to posses technologies much more advanced than that of Earth's. I wonder what other things these two worlds share.

"I cant believe that you humans actually perceive us as a primitive middle aged society." Azazel replied to my comment, as he sat on the white throne, his legs crossed and his head on knuckles.

"Azreal, are you there?" The demon calls out, to a person someone named Azazel. I immediately recognised name. Azreal was the name of the angel of death in the Hebrew bible, but a Demon and an Angel working together? I had suspected for both races to have tense relationships, maybe I was proven wrong?

A hooded figure then appeared on top of the circular table, he had a black robe on with a hood covering his face, the fabric looked old, and tattered. On his back was what seems to be a leather sheath of a weapon, the hilt of it making it obvious that it was a sword. The man took of his black hood, and his appearance finally becoming visible.

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