All things come to an end! This one is particular!

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Okay so I havent been able to update in a while BUT there is a good reason for this, well good considering my position right now. Mainly, I have lost interest in this book, the story I have in my head is jumbled, loosely connected and just plain out weird to me.

When I first started this book I had high hopes for it! But as the story continued inside my own thoughts, I could see more clearly the plot holes and just plain out bad character development in my opinion at least. So I pretty much just ignored this book, and hadnt thought up the plot in a really long time.

But since then! I have been reading TONS of stories, and other works of fiction and at I was able to cook up a nee more interesting story inside my head! Because if you didnt know, Tyrant was just a 'Write what I think is good' story. Pretty much I was just adding some stuff that I thought that would benefit, and make the plot more interesting bur once I published the chapter, I had no way to unpublish it since I know that would upset some people.

So this will be the final chapter, if you cam even call it that, of Tyrant! However! It is not the end of the characters, the new and better story that I had been planning up will likely be a recycled version of Tyrant. I will reuse some characters, some plot elements that I think that are cool, and some other stuff!

The story is still unnamed, but I already have the social classes, world layout, characters, races and all that kind of stuff planned out. The story will be a fictional, dark fantasy, dystopia that will have a simple but in my opinion awesome magic system! Im thinking of maybe turning it into a small series of maybe 2-4 books if possible and I dont procrastinate.

Tyrant will maybe be turned back into a draft or I'll keep it published but like I said my new story is pretty much Tyrant recycled so Im still unsure about it.

Im also still not sure of when I'll be publishing my new works, maybe at early March I'll be able to post it but again still unsure.

So I think thats all I want to say! I want to thank all the few readers who read and voted on my story! It really meant a lot to me when I reached 100+ reads on this thing, so really thank you! I hope my new book will be as interesting, or maybe even more as Tyrant!

Thank you!

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