Chapter V: Dreams of Fog

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Ive been thinking if this book will ever become popular, but whatever even if Im the only one who reads it I'll still keep on making stories for all of people reading this from the future! Regardless Im having a blast writing this story, and I hope to create more like these in the future for you(or me) Anyways people enjoy the chapter!

Enjoy Le Story

PS: 'Info': Main character's/Valosanctu's

'Info': Others thought


The saying goes. 'A light shall always shine in the darkness, no matter how dim.'

How naive can people get?

They just continue to blindlessly follow the illusion that is the light of hope.

Its hilarious really, but I should know though. Hoping for miracles, it'll get you nowhere.

Because that light you're following with such optimism...

Might just be the fire of truth that will turn your imaginary fate into the ash of reality.


Uriel's POV

'My mask?'

The figure had a very intimidating aura surrounding him, just by the look of his glossy almost alien eyes, I felt anxious. Suddenly I felt dizzy, my head was pounding with pain, for seemingly no reason. I took a step back, as I held my head tightly. It was the same pain from earlier, but this time much more intense.

I then felt my vision beginning to turn blurry, and I felt myself close to passing out."This deal is more than meets the eye, Angelica." Those were the last words that I heard, before I ultimately, blacked out.


I opened my eyes, and was greeted by the orange-redish sky of the afterlife. I jolted up and immediately surveyed my surroundings, the face of that thing was etched into my mind. I looked to my right and was greeted by an uneasy sight. It was the God of War, Ares laying lifelessly on his back only a few feet away from where I was. His body seemingly devoid of any presence of life, like a freshly murdered corpse.

The reaper walked to the fallen God, his expression turning into one of disbelief, and shock. His eyes were wide, and his jaw slightly ajar. While my expression was that of fear, and confusion with a mix of disbelief. I stood up, and walked to Azreal's side, but as I continued I saw something in the god's eyes. His irises were black, like charcoal, and pupils a sinister violet.

"Did you do this?" Azreal asked, his voice shaky, and tone unsure, as he turned his head towards my direction. The Angel's eyes however were enough to express his words.

I had no answer. I don't know how, or even if I caused this. Then I remembered the words of that creature, that evil eyed creature, who's face was still carved into my mind like a picture.

"This deal is more than meets the eyes..."

"Perhaps, the demon would know?" I suggested, still looking at Ares' limp body. "For now we should take him back, he should know some important information, if he isn't dead yet that is." Azreal grabbed him, by the waist, and lifted him up with both arms. The god surprisingly didn't react, Azreal  put two digits to the Ares' neck.

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