A Big Performance

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(y/n) - your name
(f/c) - favourite colour
It had been a week since I came to live with the Vocaloids and my voice was already a big hit with the various song writers who frequently visited. I found out the ages of the Vocaloids, Miku is 16, Luka 20, Kaito and Meiko are 26 and 27, then the Kagamine twins are both a year younger than me at 14. The atmosphere here is a very vibrant and happy one; everything is so hectic and fast paced that I'm going to see Miku and the two guys at a performance for the first time today. "What should I wear?" I mumbled to myself while grabbing two of my outfits off my closet rack, "I'll wear....this one!" I exclaimed, holding my new (f/c) dress. My Vocaloid colour was (f/c) so this will work. I quickly threw the dress on then rushed out my room eager to see the performance "I don't want to be late"
I entered backstage of the concert hall to see Miku, Kaito, and Len in their song outfits getting ready to preform. "len looks so...handsome" I mumbled under my breath while looking at the 14 year old boy practicing the drum routine he was to play one last time. Miku turned towards me and her face lit up, "(y/n)!! You made it!" she ran over to me practically tackling me with her hug," I was starting to think you couldn't come again" she finished saying while giggling. "Yeah, had to sneak away before the writers noticed. But uhh, what song are you guys singing?" I asked, Len cut in "You mean is Miku singing, we're here for the instrumentals." he gestured from himself over to Kaito who was now walking up behind him. "Len. You get to sing too, just not the first song." Kaito calmly stated. I have grown to like Kaito's calm personality, as if the ice cream he ate cooled everything inside him down. It is very relaxing to be around. Len laughed a bit, "Yeah. But the concert is gonna be Miku singing Unhappy Refrain and Rolling Girl, then Kaito singing Rosary Pale and some other song" he stopped for a second looking at Kaito to see if he'd like to say the song but Kaito just shrugged and made a gesture for him to continue, "And then I'm going to sing Out of Eden, and then Holy Lance Explosion Boy." Miku quickly turned to him "YOU'RE SINGING THOSE?!" I was confused as to why she seemed so shocked he was singing this but Len didn't seem to care and just shrugged turning away "Hey, I sing what the writer writes." he said back towards Miku, and I. Miku shook her head, "That boy is only 14 and he has to do so many things that he shouldn't have to." I found myself dumbfounded at her words and asked, "Why?" she looked at me with an eyebrow raised like I should know, then said "Because, that's the life of a celebrity" then left after Len getting on stage, and ready to preform.

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