His Warmth

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Sorry guys, I've been studying for exams and everything, so sorry for late updates.

(y/n) = your name
     It's been two days since I've seen Len, question after question building up in my head about what he said. As I was walking down the hall to the kitchen Mikuo ran up to me, "Hey! (y/n)!" he shouted as I turned towards him. "Hey Mikuo.." I calmly stated. He looked at me with confused eyes, "Nothing is wrong" I quickly responded to his look. I continued walking down the hall with Mikuo now silently following behind me, "(y/n)..." Mikuo's voice trailed off;  I turned to face the boy, "Yes?" I questioned. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, I didn't know what was happening, "M-Mikuo? What are yo-" my voice cut off into a high yelp as his lips made contact with my collarbone. "M-Mikuo n-" I tried exclaiming out for him to stop now, but he shoved his fingers in my mouth. "I should bite his fingers, I'll explain to Miku later about why I hurt her brother." I thought to myself as tears formed in the corners of my eyes as his other hand began roaming my body. Just as I was about to bite him a voice yelled at him from down the hall, "MIKUO! I suggest you get off the lady before there's a problem." I heard a chuckle then, "I don't think your sister would like this very much! " from another person. I turned my head once Mikuo moved away from me to see Len, and Rin now walking towards us; I practically ran over to Len, standing besides yet a bit behind him. He grabbed my hand, and I held tightly back. "Miku? What would Miku do?" Mikuo finally said, "She'd believe almost anything I said." the sixteen year old was now walking away, "But whatever, (y/n) isn't worth the hassle. "
     Len pulled me into a hug, and although he was a year younger, he was still taller than me. I hesitantly hugged him back, still shaking from what just happened. "(y/n)...come with me" he said as he gently pulled me along with our fingers interlocking; I looked towards Rin who was smirking at us, and winked an eye at me as she saw me look back at her. Len led me upstairs to his room, closing the door behind us he them went to his window opening it and climbing out. "(y/n) c'mon! You're so slow. " he pouted as I poked my head out the window, "What are you doing? " I asked as I looked towards him, I noticed  narrow metal stairs on the side of the window then carefully climbed out onto them. Len helped me up and we walked up till we reached a small garden on the roof. "Does anyone know about this? " I asked, he nodded his head them said, "Only Rin knows, and now you. " I walked around looking at all the different flowers, and fruits there were. "Strawberry? " Len asked as he held up the plump red fruit towards me. I giggled and took the fruit from his hand, "Aren't you suppose to wash it first? " I teased, he just playfully rolled his eyes and took the fruit back pretending to eat it. "no! Give it baackk!" I whined, "You sound just like Rin." he laughed at he tossed out back at me. I ate the strawberry them walked over to where Len now was, looking off into the mountains that separate our house from the city, the plain went on for miles. "It's so nice up here. " I accidently said out loud. Len looked at me and smiled, "Looks nicer with you here (y/n)." his voice was soft and gentle, I turned towards Len and smiled at his words, he leaned closer to me and unlike with Mikuo I wasn't scared.
     I closed my eyes right before Len's lips touched mine, and I could feel his warmth wrapping around my body in those seconds. He pulled back as the last of the Sun went down, leaving the sky with an orange, and hot pink hue of colour. We stared at each other, knowing that after today things wouldn't be the same around here.

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