Real? Or Not?

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       I woke up in Len's arms, his warmth wrapping around my body and doing a much better job than any blanket would. My eyes grazed over his face and took in all the beautiful details, he truly was a pretty boy.  As if sensing my stares his eyes sleepily opened themselves to stare into mine,  "h-hi.." I quickly stuttered while looking off elsewhere. "Well.. Hello beautiful. " he said back, knowing he'd see my blush in response.
"Th-t-that's not funny. "
"What isn't? It's true, you're simply amazing to look at. "
"Mhmm, yeah right. "
"We were all made to look attractive, but you are by far the best. "
       I looked back at him, sadness glazed over my eyes, and thought about Luka's words from two weeks ago. What we feel isn't real, it's just a program so why does it feel like I'm real? Len frowned at my sudden sadness and planted a soft kiss onto my lips,  "Whatever it is you're thinking about, I'm sure it's fine." Len softly said. "Is our love real? " I accidently blurted out.
"What? "
"Our love, is it real? Or not? "
"Of course it's real. I love you with all my hea-"
"How can you say that when we're nothing but machines? "
       Len stared at me with a complete loss for words, the look in his eyes was as if I had just torn whatever type of "heart" he has in half. "Even if I was made, that doesn't mean I can't love you. " he finally said. I stood up and began to change back into my vocaloid outfit, "I know.. I'm very sorry for saying that. " I quietly uttered. Len started to eye my body as I changed clothes, "Then why don't you come show me you're sorry. " Len mischievously stated as he pulled me to him.
"Len, you know I have to be at a video shoot in thirty minutes. "
"Then I'll make it quick! Don't worry, just let me d-"
"No. It's a first time, it shouldn't be rushed you know that. "
"But I WANT you, really badly.. Right now. "
"Maybe some other time. "
       I kissed Len's forehead as he gave deep kisses to my neck, and upper chest. "I'll see you later okay? " I stammered as I hurried to put the rest of my clothes on and rush out his room. "O-okay...later then. " was all I heard from Len as I closed the door to Len's room and walked off to shoot another video.

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