Just him, and me.

360 11 2

(y/n) - your name
Sorry for not posting in awhile

The performance was absolutely outstanding, and I was left with an overwhelming feeling of happiness and joy. I walked backstage again, going to meet up with the rest of the group.
Len spotted me and slowly approached. I stood there for a second then asked, "Hey, where is everyone? " he stopped a few feet away from me " Miku left with Kaito, and Mikuo to get ice cream. " he responded while spiking his hair up again. I felt my cheeks turning red just looking at him; then, he started walking away gesturing for me to follow. We stopped at a high ledge above the now empty concert hall. Len sat down dangling his legs over the edge, I hesitantly sat beside him staring down at the floor far below us. "did you enjoy the performance? " Len finally asked, I recalled Len's portion of the concert and how mature and serious he looked, while still keeping a cheery face with the occasional wink to the girls in the crowd. "yeah, I loved it. " I finally responded to his question. He chuckled a bit, then started quietly humming a song, there was something I wanted to ask but I couldn't remember what. I stopped myself from thinking of anything else for a second, then remembered. "Oh right... Len.." I nervously said his way. He stopped his humming and looked towards me "Yeah (y/n)?" he said in his soft, smooth voice. I could feel my face heating up. "For a fourteen year old you sing a lot of songs... About, like.. Wellll.." my voice trailed off, and a knot is forming in my stomach due to how nervous I am, "You sing a lot of songs about doing... Uhh.."it" " I finally stated. Len just stared at me for a second then asked, " Are you talking about engaging in sexual activities with another? " My face was burning up before he even finished that sentence "Y-yes! Yeah!... That. " I tried to say nonchalantly. I looked towards him, then away as I spoke the question I've had in my mind. "Have you ever... Had it?... With.. Someone? " He started laughing right when I finished asking and wouldn't stop. "T-this isn't funny Len! Answerrrr!" I explained while playfully hitting his arm, he lightly hit my arm back then laughed a bit more. "I wouldn't do it with ANYBODY in that house. " he stopped mid-sentence then finished, " Well, besides you. " he said in a very seductive tone. My eyes widened, and I had to look away. So many emotions mixed inside my head I didn't know what was happening. "Did I hear him wrong ? No, I heard him clearly and.. Just.. AAAHHHHHHH" I thought in my head. I turned to say something but then I heard a voice from behind us. "LEN YOU JERKFACE!! HURRY UPPPP!" Rin ran over to us looking extremely upset at her brother. Len simply smirked my way then got up. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. " he stood at his sister dragged him along to who knows where. I sat there, thinking on what he said, and thinking on this moment where it was just him, and me.

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