Driving Lessons | 707

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"(Y/N)! The post!" Luciel shouted to his girlfriend because her car almost hit the nearby post.

Your car skidded to halt.

You, who is horrible in driving is trying to drive this damn car given by your uncle. Why would he give you a car? Didn't he remember that you hit an electric post when you tried to drive 3 years ago?

Luckily, Luciel visited your house and insisted to teach you drive that thing.

"Sorry! I didn't mean it!" you answered.

"You seriously need driving lessons, (Y/N). Hey wait, why did you buy a car without learning how to drive?"

"Its a gift from my uncle. I don't know what came to his mind that he ended up giving me this car."

"Oh well, lets start again."

"Luciel, are you kidding me? There's no again! I'm worst in driving! I quit!" You said, opening the car door.

"(Y/N), you won't learn if you won't give it a try."

He held your hand and looked to your eyes saying, "I'll teach you. Trust me."

A faint blush appeared on your cheeks. "Fine... "

"Here's what you're going to do. If you're going to turn this car, move the steering wheel on this way."

He thought you the other things you need to know about driving, the braking, the acceleration,...etc etc.

You were on the highway already. You were so nervous that you might go on a wrong way, or hit another car. A cold sweat dripped on your face.

"Hey don't be so nervous. I got your back. Nothing bad will happen. I'll assist you okay?" He said, trying to keep you calm.

"I'll try... " you trailed off.

You started driving. Your hands are really shaking, making the car a bit shaky too. Luciel. To keep you calm, he held your hand again to help you drive.

"So, you're just calming when I hold your hand?" Luciel smirked.

"Shut up and help me drive out." You replied as you hide your blush.

And so you two did. Luciel taught you the right turning of the steering wheel, brakes and others. After a few minutes, you could control the car all by yourself.

"At last, at last! Whoo!" You chanted.

"Yeah, you really did it." He said, resting his back on the seat.

"Thank you so much Luciel! I love you!"

"Love you too,"

You hugged each other but a loud honk interrupted their fluff scene. It is a truck!

"(Y/N)! The steering wheel!"

You forgot to pay attention to the controller lololol XDD

"Oh heck!"

There's no time so Luciel decided to turn the wheel quickly. He got a perfect timing, so they avoid the truck.

"Wheu, that was close." He paused and took a glance on you. "I think you still need lessons from me. Next time, focus on the way and the wheel okay?"


You cried some chibi tears for some reason.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"I failed the in driving. I'm really worst at driving."

"Awe, don't worry. We still have another chance and time. You'll get better."

"I hope so."

"Let's leave driving. Let's go back to my house and watch some movies!"

"That sounds more fun than driving. Sure!"

Extended Ending:

"NNOOOOO (Y/N) WHAT HAVE YU DONE." Luciel said almost crying.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump on your car, I'm really sorry. I'll pay for it I promise! Forgive me!!"

You tried to park your car on the garage but accidentally bumped on Luciel's Porsche.

"Its alright, its alright. I'm gonna call someone to fix it. But you can pay your debt by sleeping with me tonight." He smirked.

"E-Eh... you idiot!!"


Requests are open! You could request on the comments! You can request anything, including some situations like reader and the character being blind, yandere, actress, neko.. etc etc. [Except for lemons please. I have no guts to write one.]

Thanks for reading!

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