Betrothed | Jumin Han

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Jumin X Hime! Reader


"WHAT?!" You angrily yelled at your parents at your statement that they told you.

"You arranged a marriage between me and a man that I don't even know?! How could you! You just removed my right to find my own love!!"

"But dear, its for your own good. We just want you to have a better future we could expect." Your mom explained, trying to keep you calm.

"My own good? You think its for my own good?! Mom! Dad! Its always you who decide! I'm already a young adult but you still treat my like a baby! You're so selfish! You didn't consult or consider me!"

"(Y/N), we can do anything to you because were you're parents. We can decide for you, especially if its the best. You're still our only daughter after all." Said Dad.

"Not because I'm you're daughter, you can do anything to me! God, do you even see me as your daughter on these past times?! I'm done! I'm so done!!" You growled, storming off.

"(Y/N), wait!"

You didn't listen to their calls as you walked up to your room, slamming and locking it.

You were so pissed and angry because your parents didn't even give you freedom to choose your love. 'I'm also a human! I have feelings and a right to decide for myself!,' you thought.

You lost your appetite to eat dinner so you just stayed on your room. You scrolled to your newsfeed, and updated your status. Suddenly, your bestfriend messaged you.

(B/N)♡: Yo, (Y/N)! Can you go with me in the mall tonight? I'm bored in my house because I'm grounded T_T Pretty please?? But if you aren't available, its okay! Just tell me when can you leave your house, alright?

You smiled as an idea popped to your mind.

(Y/N)♡:Sure! I'm going with you. I'll ask my parents if I can come... even if I'm still angry with them.

(B/N)♡: You're angry with them? Why?

(Y/N)♡: Uhhh, long story. Let's talk about it when I get there.

(B/N)♡: Okay! I'll meet you at Starbucks then.

You prepared your bag, wore your dress, and put a 'lil bit of makeup. You went downstairs and went straight to the garage.

"Uh, young lady, where are you going?" One of your bodyguards asked.

"I'm going to the mall. If possible, please don't tell my parents, please? I just want to escape from this prison."

"We'll try, young lady."

"Now, you stay here and pretend that I'm still on my room, okay?"

"But young lady. Were your bodyguards and our goal is to protect and keep you safe. We can't leave you alone!"

"Don't worry! I'm already a grown up and I can handle myself. I'll keep myself safe so that you won't lose your jobs. Alright, I gotta go!"

"Okay, be safe young lady. Call us if you need something."

"Okay okay."

Your driver drove you to the mall and you saw your bestfriend instantly on the Starbucks outside.

"Bestieeee~!" She called as you got out of the car.

"Bestieeeeeee~!!" You imitated and hugged her.

"So, care to tell me what happened with your parents?"

"Uh, everytime I thought of it it will just annoy me. But since you're my bestfriend, I'll tell you of course. My parents arranged my marriage to a guy that I don't even know!"

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