Typo | Yoosung Kim

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A very short drabble.



"Really?! You two are together all this time?!" The members of RFA questioned.

(Y/N) and I blushed, "We just got along recently!"

"I can't believe this Yoosung managed to get (Y/N)," Seven gripped my shoulders, "What did you do? HOW?!"

"E-Eh, its n-not really hard..." I answered.

-a month ago-

Chatting (Y/N) has been part of my daily life ever since she stepped in our chatroom. She constantly calls me as a cinnamon roll, cutie, and synonyms of those and I admit, even if its just in chat, she never fails to make me blush.

She's pretty, and I think I developed a little crush on her but I doubt she'll like me back.

(Y/N): Aww, Yoosung, your so adorable! T3T


After some days I said that to her, I discovered something unbelievable.

She likes me now.


"W-We've been on t-two dates now. A-And all I d-did was to point out a t-typo..." I explained, embarassed.

"Whoa, that was pretty smooth. Right (Y/N)?" Zen said.

(Y/N) turned around blushing even hard.

"Our Yoosung's a man now I guess." Jaehee muttered.

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