Crave | Zen

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[Zen X Pregnant!Reader] Rqstd by MysticLucy!

(F/F) = Favorite Food


"Again?!" Zen said after you ordered him again to dance the song 'Gentleman' that was popularized by Psy. You stared at him raising your brows.

"But I've been doing this 49 times now," He added as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Pretty please, my handsome Zen?" You replied while hugging your pillow.

"Fine... I'm doing it," He sighed.


You played the song 'Gentleman' again.

With the song, he started to dance. You hid your face behind the pillow because you can't resist his sexiness. You're trying to hold back your laughter because he's so adorable and hot even if he's just in his boxers with a necktie but no shirt.

You wanted to pinch him with a nailcutter because of it.

"Hey, you're not even watching!"

You removed the pillow on your face and watched him. You can't stop smiling and stifling a laugh. Even if you 2 are doing this in the whole day, you never get bored. Your husband is so sexy.

"Enough," You giggled," I'm tired. Let's sleep..."

"At last, (Y/N). At last." He exhaled, turning off the lights and laid on the bed beside you.

He kissed you forehead before sleeping, "Goodnight, my beautiful (Y/N)."


"I'm hungry..." you said, getting down of the bed and going downstairs; you suddenly craved for food.

You turned on the lights on the living room and the kitchen. You opened the refrigerator and the cabinets to find your (F/F) but you found nothing. Being a huge klutz you are, you bumped the spoon and forks' case. Those things fell, creating a noise that woke up Zen.

He opened his eyes and noticed that you weren't in his side now. He figured out that you're on downstairs, looking for food again. He followed you but laid on the sofa instead.

"Zennn... " You called as you sat on the floor beside the sofa where Zen laid.


"I'm hungry."

He opened his one eye and looked at the clock, "But it's already two o'clock in the morning..." He uttered.

You playfully hit his shoulder, " So what are you planning? You're going to starve our baby?"

"Alright," He replied, getting up.

"Where are you going?" You asked.

"In the kitchen."

"I don't want the food you cook! I want my (F/F)!" You demanded.

His eyes widened as you said it, "Where do you think could I find your (F/F) at this time? Just why did you ate all of my reserves in there?"

You started to tear up, "You're arguing with me? I don't like you anymore!!"

He sighed and facepalmed, "Right, you're having your mood swings again..." He sat on the floor beside you and hugged you, " I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean it."

"I..I thought you're...g..going to" You asked between sobs.

"Aww, looks like you just wanted me to kiss you," He said, caressing your cheeks and shifting your face to his direction, "You know, even if you're that crazy, I still love love love love love you (Y/N)."

He leaned in and you slowly closed you eyes as you felt his warm and soft lips met yours.


You woke up with your husband beside you; he's already awake, staring at the unique features you have.

"Good morning, darling."

"Good morning too, handsome."

"Did you sleep well?"

You nodded.

"Anyway, you requested your (F/F) on the dawn, right? There's a lot in the fridge now. I left the house early just to find that." He said, kissing your forehead.

After hearing those words, your heart jumped in excitedness. You stood up eagerly to run downstairs to the fridge to your (F/F).

"Wait, wait!" Zen added, "Have mercy on our baby. If you slipped, he'll get hurt. Just walk, okay?"


He chuckled lightly as he watched you go downstairs, "Crazy pregnant woman."


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Wheu, yeah I finished it! I thought I'm going to publish this next week XD but here I am, I updated! Lololol

Hello, MysticLucy!! I hope you liked this oneshot and thank you for requesting!

Author out!

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