Alien Language | Yoosung Kim

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It is almost the end of semester, and on the top of that, the final exams are coming right up before the students taste the freedom out of school.

"Okay, let's check the attendance-" The professor started but she's cut of by the sudden opening of the door.

"I'm sorry, I'm late professor!" A blondie apologized as soon as he entered the class.

The professor sighed, "Yoosung Kim, that is the third consecutive time you're going late to my class. If this repeated tomorrow, I won't tolerate this and contact your guardian."

Yoosung nodded and walked to his seat at the back of mine. He looks tired and barely had enough sleep. There are also noticeable black bags under his eyes.

When he sat, he leaned his head in his arm as he listened to the teacher's lesson. Professor isn't looking in my way, so I called Yoosung by a whisper.

"Psst! Yoosung!"

He noticed and looked at me, "What is it, (Y/N)?"

"Shouldn't you study first at night than opening LOLOL?"

"Well, I have priorities. At least my character is on the max level now. And I'm on my way on the highest rank!"

I stifled a laugh, "Man, I wish I could play long like you while studying for exams."

He raised an eyebrow, "Exams?"

"Yeah. The finals. Don't tell me you forgot?"

His expression changed from confused to a horrified one, "Finals are already coming up?!" He shrieked, enough for the whole class to hear.

"Mr. Kim! Please don't disrupt the class and pay attention!"

"I-I'm sorry!" He bowed and sat back again.

"You're so loud." I commented.

"Yeah... geez. I should focus on the class now. This ain't the time to be sleeping." He softly slapped both of his cheeks. He also brought out his notes.

"Well, goodluck on hitting the books."


english class

"Mr. Kim, can you please read the eight sentence and do the corresponding instruction."

"Uh..." He spoke. His Korean accent didn't exactly match the English, "The lady went to her bestfriend's house and saw an old...k-ka...klied... kliedoscoppe..."

He struggled on the last word but survived.


math class

I was beside Yoosung in the math class, and I could see how focused and determined to get the whole formula.

He scribbled on his notes, but I took a peek, and saw some letterings of LOLOL character names.

Is he really getting something in this subject?


history and science class

"Based on your understandings, what would be the main idea of 'Schrodinger's Cat' experiment?"

Yoosung raised his hand in attempt to find the correct answer, "Uh, is it that there will always be an equivalent universe when the choices hidden to a person's eyes because there are different outcomes?"

"Its a shallow one if I were to ask. Another answer?"

He sat again in shame.

"What was Adolf Hitler's cause of death?"

"He was killed by the Russia's air force!" Yoosung answered.

"His death is by suicide with his lover." The teacher corrected.

I'm getting more and more worried as I see my friend trying to keep up with the subjects.


after classes

Yoosung is still sitting in his desk, looking petfrified. I tapped his shoulder and asked.

"Hey, buddy. Are you still alive?"

"(Y/N)... tell me..." His words slurred, "I'm not the only one, right?"

I continued to listen in curiosity.

"Everyone's just pretending that they understand every lesson, right?"

I chuckled, "What are you talking about?"

"Arghh! I'm so done with my life!!"

"I knew it, you actually don't get anything."

He sighed and complained, "To be honest, I don't understand Korean completely, so how am I supposed to learn another language? As of math... math is just an alien language to me."

"You know... I'm actually the same. I had a hard time following the lessons because of my extra curricular activites."

Yoosung smiled upon hearing me. "What are you smiling for?"

"Nothing... it just made me feel better that I'm not alone."

I smacked his head with my notebook, "So you're saying that we should fail together?!"

"No, no! I mean, now that we're kind of the same, why don't we work together to follow the lessons? That'll be better, isn't it?"

"Hm, that's true. Let's go to the library now!"

"Right now? No way, (Y/N)! I still have a match in-"

"Yoosung. LOLOL or passing the finals?"

It took a lot of minutes before he answered, "I... I want to pass while playing LOLOL..."

"Now that's the spirit! Once we passed, I'll promise to play with you in LOLOL!"


"Of course! Also I lied about not getting a lesson in history and science. I could help you!"

Yoosung's eyes sparkled, "Finally, a savior..!"


Yoosung is so me-

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Yoosung is so me-

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