Ice Cream and Compliments | Ray

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'Ahh yiss, ice cream!' You thought as you stopped to an ice cream shop. It was a very hot day, so it will be nice to buy one. Its one of your favorite snacks after all. You walked in to the shop and smiled because of the cool air it has. You stood there for a while before going in front of the refrigerators.

You started to search for you favorite ice cream flavor, glinting your eyes. Alas, your eyes landed on the pint from the ref on your right. You opened it, finding it the last one. Grinning, you grabbed the (favorite/flavor) ice cream, but, you found someone else's hands in it too. You turned your head on where that damn hand came from, and you were surprised.

It was a boy. A good-looking boy who dared to lay his finger on your precious (f/f).

"Excuse me?" Both of you chorused.

You tried to keep your cool, saying, "I was the first one who found this pint. Please get your hands off it."

"You seem to talk that this ice cream is already yours, but you don't have a name in it and you haven't paid for it. And correction, I WAS the one who found this first, because I was already here before you came." He replied with a smug look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you, but I'm really sure I was the one who laid my fingers in it, though. So please mister." You tried to pull the pint to your direction, but his grip was like a super glue.

"Nope. I'm first. Back off." Now he showed his intimidating aura. Scary, but for your (f/f), you'll do everything to get it.

"No, its mine now. Can't you see I already have it? You just held in it later when I got it."

"Hah, says the one who kept staring and drooling over that thing before grabbing it. Give it over, missy."

"I refuse. You let go of my (f/f)."

"Piss off, no. This is mine."

"This IS mine."

"You wish."

The two of you continued to fight over the single pint of (f/f). Even if you look like young adults, your fight is very childish. You have no idea why this man isn't giving this to you, while there are a lot of other flavors to choose. Then, he suddenly swiped the pint off your hands, 'owning' it. Your eyes twitched in annoyance. No one dares to grab away your (f/f) to you, but this cutie does.

He stared at you for a while, "Mine."

Soon, he walked away, leaving you pissed and sad at the same time, no having to get and taste your super favorite (f/f). You sighed and decided to pick a different flavor instead of moving to another ice cream shop. God, its hot like hell outside, and you're not that desperate for (f/f). Maybe you can get it next time.

You picked the (other/flavor) flavor, and headed for the counter. You are about to pay for it, but the man who fought over you for (f/f), tapped your shoulder. "Here." He said.

You gazed on the cold thing in his hands, which happens to be your (f/f). Your eyes sparkled once again, but upon remembering the argument you had, you retreated.

"What? Its yours now, isn't it?" You raised your brow.

He sighed, "Look, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. Its childish for me to 'steal away' this ice single ice cream pint from you. Its yours now, no more fighting."

You curled your lips, doubting the cute teen. "Why should I accept it?"

He rolled his eyes in utter annoyance. "Don't be so choosy, I know you want it. Just accept it already."

"Ugh, fine." You reluctantly accepted it, yet inside you were so happy that you get your special (f/f). You brought back the (o/f) to its ref and proceeded to the counter again.

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