Error Code | 707

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Agent! 707 X Hacker! Reader



I'm currently typing the codes in my laptop with my sweaty hands for my boss' orders. Once I'm done with this, I'm sure that I'll get paid with large amount of money and my crime will be known on every part of the this country!

You're probably wondering what's my plan. Well, lets say that I'm just going to break in to the goverment's system and files hidden to the public. Getting through the high end firewall requires a lot of codes, but I'm confident that I'll go get through it. I'm on my way to the government's capitol to have a better range of their serve, and disable the CCTVs and the likes.

I continued typing when I found a secluded spot. Finally, I'm on the edge of getting the access to the system of high authorities. Hm, what should I do after gaining these very important information? Leak them to the public? Lame, but I'll do that in the end. Bribe the officials with the exchange of money? Definitely.

Ah, there's so much I can do after finishing this. The loading duration reads as 95%, and I start to count along with it. 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%...

But before it reach 100%, the error code 707 appeared.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, pissed off. I'm sure I'm within the server range!

Unless someone's blocking my way.

I peeked outside, checking if there's some people observing me. It was empty, so I proceeded to the place near the door of the capitol. As I was about to reach it, a bullet crossed its path in front and hit the wall beside me.

The sound of gunshot rang in my ears. Oh, no. They're here already?! That can't be!!

I looked up from where I thought the gunshot came from, but I saw nothing. Crap, they're on the way! I fled to the nearest hidden place, but another gunshot stopped me. The process repeated in the next minutes, but I can't just afford being caught.

I still ran and looked for some where to hide. I reached the back portion of the capitol, and there's a small tunnel in it. I fit in and stayed for a while. I opened my laptop and checked if there's a secure connection, and I found out it was really good!

"Booyah! I got it! Those shits won't get me!"

"Oh, really?"

My eyes widened as I heard and unfamiliar voice. I gazed beside me and saw a mischievous-looking man with red hair, and a black and yellow combination colored glasses. And guess what? He was holding the gun to my head.

"Now, will you please get out of here? Its very tight. How did you even fit in here?"

How should I answer this.

I was cornered, so I have no choice but to turn off my laptop, get out of the tunnel and put my hands in my head. Once we were out, he held my wrists behind me and lowered his gun.

His other hand made his way to the laptop.

"Hmm, what do we have in here..."

"Don't you dare to touch my laptop!"

At the time I said that, I kicked his face to get out of his grip, but I fail to take back my laptop because he slid it away.

I stayed in front of him as he winced in pain.

"Ow, geez! That hurt, but you almost break my glasses!" He said, checking if there are scratches or breaks in it.

"Well, almost." I muttered.

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