Weakness | Jaehee Kang

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Requested by AzumiKashino

Jaehee X Male Reader



Right after I took the last sip of my coffee, I left the house for work. Stress is kind of washing over my system, but I managed to be okay, thanks to some medications I take. The company's sales began skyrocketing, so we employees has a lot of extra works to do.

The company is just the walking distance in my apartment, but I tend to go to the farther way instead of the shortcut, because of some reasons. The shortcut is crowded and its beside the road while the other one is a small, quiet alley. You might be wondering what's wrong on walking with the shortcut.

I feared the open, crowded, and public spaces. I was an orphan, and my temporary guardians this when I was younger after the incident that triggered it, so I took the prescribed medicine for years, up until today. I'm still coping, you see, I'm working inside a company now, but sometimes the phobia comes out of nowhere, making me really afraid. Even men also gets scared.

I reached the building and I saw Jaehee, my co-worker, just got off the bus she rode. I approached her, luckily, the front of the company has a couple of bodyguards, so fewer people are passing here. She waved back when I waved at her.

"Good morning, Jaehee." I greeted.

She smiled at me, "Good morning too, (Y/N). Before I forgot, Mr. Han recieved your report you gave yesterday, and he said he liked your plans."



I sighed happily, "I'm relieved. It must be great to be the assistant of the company's director. You always hear his thoughts."

"Its not. It even doubles the stress I get everyday." She chuckled.

"Well, you're not the only one who's stressed, you know."

"Right. Let's get to work now or we'll be late."


I looked at her as she walked to the opposite direction. Jaehee's really a nice person and you'll enjoy being with her. I became friends with her when we were assigned to make a project for the director's orders. She's a hardworker and I guess that's the best thing I saw to her personality. At first, I thought she'll be like my college professor that I hate. She might be strict, but she's actually very friendly and caring.

I don't know why, but she never left my mind. I think of her to the point that I get distracted from what am I doing. Its not like I'm saying that she's a distraction, but it just happpened. I'm always happy by only seeing her everyday.

I got inside and started the usual work we do daily, although, extra works are a thing and time flew by so fast. I didn't notice that it is already dismissal.

I packed my things and walked to the exit, but the speaker rang and someone spoke on the microphone.

"Everyone in marketing sales department, the director called for an announcement at the matter of this time, so please gather in the 5th floor conference room at 5:35pm. Thank you."

That was Jaehee's voice! But wait, I'm supposed to think about the meeting!

I used the stairs, because the elevator has a lot of people. It took a while for me to reach that floor, but atleast I got on time. The conference room is wide, so I chose to sit at the back because everyone is at the front, making it hot and very crowded.

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