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"And you're an angel"

"Yes but you know what you are. I had no idea until a moment ago when Angela-"

"You spoke with her?" He cut me off.

"She's the one who told me about being a fallen angel, she also said something about sending me back into the heavens"

His arms tighten around my body, pushing me into his chest. He starts walking towards the forest, keeping me locked tightly against him. His head faced forward but I could sense his eyes observing my body.

If I'm an angel shouldn't I have wings? No, I'm not an angel. I used to be. If Angela completed what she was doing then I probably would be a full angel, with wings.

"You are quite smart my lady"

"Wa?! Oh that's right, you can read minds"

He chuckles and we start passing by trees. We were in the forest, leaving behind the destroyed community.

"Ciel! Where is he!" I shout, suddenly remembering.

"Do not panic, he is safe. He is on the way back to the house as we speak" he clarifies.

"Shouldn't you be with him though?"

"Grell is making sure he arrives. Ciel ordered me to find you. He was very worried"

"Only him? When you found me you looked quite relieved" I say with a smirk on my face.

"I was not worried"

I open my book and turn to the newly written page.

"I was not worried" he lied.

"Of course you were" I smile.

"You will have to return that book, it may be your history but it does not belong to you"

"But I wish to keep it" I say jumping out of his arms and running on the dirt path.

I sprint with the book clenched in my hands. I look behind me but see nobody. When I face forward again I run into a chest. Arms wrap around my waist to keep me from falling and I'm pulled against his chest. I tilt my head up slightly to look into his eyes.

"Do not try running, you will get nowhere" he whispers, sending chills down my spine.

I try to wiggle out of his arms but he had a strong grip on me. The book, which was now on the ground, was open. I could see new words appearing on the page.

She tried her best but could not escape the demon's grip.

I sigh, giving in. He lifts my chin so my face was right in front of his. He stares into my eyes, a sinister look on his face. His lips curled into a smile.

"Do you give in?" He asks.

I'm about to say yes when I realize something. A small distraction would make him remove his arms and I could attack him, to the best of my ability. He was a demon with super strength and speed after all.

I press my lips against his, making his eyes widen in shock. His arms loosen. I let my lips linger on his for a moment before I pull away and push him to the ground. I quickly grab the book and continue running down the trail. I laugh to myself.

"I'll never give in so easily" I say more to myself than him since he probably wouldn't be able to hear me with how far I ran.

I stop in my tracks when I don't hear him running after me. I was expecting him to get back up and capture me once again, but he didn't. I slowly make my way back to where I left him, being cautious with every movement. He was still laying on the ground, eyes open wide, almost in a daze. I kneel beside his body and shake him lightly.

"Sebastian what are you doing?" I say.

He doesn't respond.

"Get up this instant!" I yell.

He still doesn't move. I put my ear next to his mouth, trying to see if he was breathing. He wasn't. I stare at his face in shock.

"Now is no time to be acting Sebastian" I growl.

I sigh and think of what to do. He seemed to be frozen in time. I think about what to do. He can't be dead, he's a demon. I look at his face and my eyes shift down to his lips.

Maybe... if the kiss made him freeze...

I lean down and place my lips on his. I pull away and see him blinking. I sigh in relief to know that it worked. He sits up and I grab the book, flipping through to the current events.

The fallen angel accidentally used her hidden powers on the demon. She froze him.

"Oh my god" I whisper.

"You truly are a smart woman" I can hear Sebastian whisper, I ignore it and continue reading.

She is slowly gaining powers that she used to have as an angel.

I throw the book away from me, down the dirt path. I stare at it as Sebastian stares at me.

"Do you not like the book?" He asks jokingly.

I just sit, staring at the book. He sighs and picks the book up, then me, and continues walking down the path. The entire time I was spacing out. When I finally come to realization I accidentally say it out loud.

"I have powers"

Sebastian tenses. I look up at him and repeat it.

"I have powers. What does that mean?"

"It means Angela was almost successful in returning you to the heavens. She managed to restore your powers but not you to heaven"

The Demon's Angel (Sebastian x OC)Where stories live. Discover now