Chapter 11 - Video Call

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Phil put down his phone and flopped down onto his bed, letting out a deep sigh. Was Kiran right? Should he go and talk to Dan about it? Or would that just make it worse? What if Dan told everyone? What if everyone was a huge homophobe? What if the same thing happened again? He didn't know if he could take that again, even moving might not help as much as it had this time, and he didn't want to keep switching schools and friends every year.

Finally, he realized he was just psyching him self out. Dan hadn't pushed him away, he had kissed him back. And he hadn't yelled at him afterwards, quite the contrary. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad after all. I guess I should probably talk to him about this... if I don't have mental breakdown first.

He picked up his phone again and opened messages, this time opening his chat with Dan.

Phil: hi

A couple seconds later he got a reply:

Dan: hi

Phil: you free to chat?

Dan: sorry, I have the afternoon booked for tumblr :/

Phil: 😣

Dan: lol jk what's up?

Phil: FT? (Short for FaceTime btw)

Dan: sure

Incoming call from: Phil :3😊😘


Dan clicked the "accept call" button, wondering what in the world Phil could want; they barely ever called, most of the time they just texted. Did something happen? Was Phil alright? Then he remembered, oh, he probably wants to talk about the... thing that happened in the forest. Uh oh. A few seconds later, Phil's blurry face appeared on screen, filling Dan with more dread than wonder.

"Hi," Phil's slightly contorted voice broke the silence.

"Hey," Dan replied. "What's up?"

He heard Phil sigh. "We need to talk about some stuff. Very important stuff." He informed Dan, using an exaggerated, 'this is serious' voice, earning a chuckle from Dan.

"Figured as much." He said, still grinning. "What's so important that we can't just talk about it at school tomorrow, and not over this crappy video call?"

Phil's expression visibly sunk. "Well, mostly because I just gained the courage to do this and if I try later I might not be able to, and this way I can hang up on you if I need to." He added the last part as a partial joke.

"Okay..." Dan was starting to get worried. He had a sneaking suspicion that his earlier guesses on the conversation were coming true. "Go ahead. Tell me."

"Well, I know it's awkward... but can we please talk about the... thing... that happened?" Phil finally got to the point, though he seemed to be avoiding looking at the phone in his hands.

Dan felt a shiver go down his spine, "I guess we can't avoid it any longer." He sighed, a sinking feeling starting to settle in the pit of his stomach.

"L-Listen, I really, really like you. You know that by now, I guess," Phil chuckled weakly. "But I-I'm not ready to come out yet. Not after last time. It's not worth the risk." He shook his head, as if trying to shake off the memories of his past. "So please, please don't saying anything about this to anyone, especially in school." He pleaded.

Dan just nodded, understanding what was being asked of him. "Got it." He simply agreed. There wasn't any reason to drag this out any longer. "But can we go into more detail about this tomorrow? Especially what happened at your old school?" He asked, a little worried about how much this was affecting Phil. He didn't ever want him to worry, especially about something as small and stupid as this.

Phil agreed and thanked Dan, and after they had both shared a quick goodbye, he hung up. Now all he had to get through was tomorrow.

//Hello! I have returned! And also I apologize for a shorter chapter but meh who cares? ALSO if you didn't know, yesterday was this story's 3-month... anniversary? Idk what to call it let's stick with anniversary for now XD *1 tiny sparkler fizzes out* but wow, 3 months, almost 400 reads and 11 chapters? That's awesome! Thank you so much to anyone who has ever read this dumb story. I was going to upload this yesterday but my mom took my laptop, iPad, etc. I blame Millie. (My sister) so that didn't happen! But here it is today, yay! Last of all, I was wondering, does anyone think I should continue my other phanfic, "I Have Five Minutes?" I haven't gotten the best feedback for it, and I was just wondering if anyone even cares about it? 


Everything else aside, don't forget to comment and vote, each and every one is greatly appreciated! Thanks! Enjoy!//

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