Chapter 5 - The GSA

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GSA (Lunch Continued)

They rushed up the stairs to the classroom, and soon enough they had arrived. Ms. Rund and Ms. Macgowan smiled at them as they entered the room. Phil took an empty seat in the small circle the desks had been arranged in, while Dan stop to talk to Ms. Rund who had beckoned him over.

"Nice to see you here Dan!" She smiled at him, speaking in a hushed tone. He had been liking Ms. Rund so far, she seemed nice enough, and she certainly wasn't as boring as some of the other teachers.

"Thanks" He replied, not really knowing what to say.

"We'll just do some quick introductions so you can get to know the rest of the group, and then we'll get started." She told him, smiling kindly at him.

"Great." He said, still feeling a bit awkward. "That sounds good."

She smiled at him. "Listen, we're trying our best to make this little group as safe, open and comfortable as possible." She told him. "Now how about you go take a seat? We should start soon before we run out of time!"

Dan sat down next to Phil, surveying the room. Some of the desks were arranged into a small circle, just enough for the few members. All the other people there were girls, and they seemed to be separated into two small groups. One group, which Phil appeared to be closer to, was made up of four girls. A few Dan recognized from his class, but the other he didn't really know at all. The other group, made up of four or five girls, he had recognized as part of the "popular" group early on. Some of them he had seen in his class, but a few of them he didn't remember seeing before. Strange. He thought, they're all girls, and they all look like they're in my grade. He grinned to himself, this was going to be fun.

"So!" Ms. Rund snapped him out of his own little bubble with a clap of her hands. "Today, we've been joined by a new member, Mr. Dan Howell!" She smiled at him, then continued on. "Let's just do a quick round of introductions, and then jump right into it! Let's do first names, pronouns, and..." she thought for a moment, "favourite ice cream flavor!" She smiled, looking around at the small group. "I'll start," she announced, and continued on to introducing herself. "Hi! I'm Ms. Rund, I use the pronouns she, her, hers, and my favourite ice cream flavor is mocha chip!" She started, and motioned for the next person to go.

"Hello! My name's, Delilah, I use the pronouns she, her, hers, and my favourite ice cream flavor is brownie batter!" Said a petite girl. She wasn't short, but she was small... she had long blonde hair, and a winning smile. Hmm, she looks nice! I'll make sure to go say hi later. Dan thought to himself. She was in his class, and didn't seem like a jerk from what he had seen.

Next to introduce her self was one of the first girls friends. She had wavy brown hair down to her shoulders, and seemed to always be wearing purple. "Hi, my name's Sophia, I use the pronouns she, her, hers, and my favourite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip." She said quietly.

Next up was another girl from the same friend group. She was shorter than the first two, with straight, dirty blonde hair down to her shoulders, and always seemed to be smiling. "Hi! My name is Ella, I use the pronouns she, her, hers and my favourite Ice cream flavor is cookies and cream."

"Hi, I'm Kat, I use she, her, hers and I like mocha chip ice cream." This was the introduction of the next girl, who seemed like the last in that little group of friends. The rest of the introductions went pretty fast.

"I'm Azavia, she, her, hers, and just plain chocolate." Was the next introduction, in the other group. She had had black, frizzy hair, tied up in a messy ponytail.

"Ari, she, her, hers, cookies and cream." The rest of the flew through the introductions. This girl, Ari, had hair like Azavias, this time being kept up in a messy bun.

"Isa, she, her, hers, coffee." Isa had brown hair, pulled back in a ponytail, and was extremely athletic. As was her twin, Ali. Phil was guessing that they were here because they had two fathers.

"Ali, she, her, him-" she was introducing herself rather absentmindedly, which was what led to this hilarious slip-up. Immediately, the whole class burst out laughing, whilst Ali sat there, starting to blush from embarrassment, trying to correct herself. "I-I meant she, her, hers!" She stated, after the teacher had told everyone to quiet down. Unlike her sister, Ali had Blonde hair, almost always done up in a small ponytail at the back.

At this point, it seemed that everyone had gone, or at least, everyone in the classroom. At that moment, someone called out, "wait! I'm here! Sorry, there was a really long line for lunch!" This sudden interruption was caused by a boy almost sprinting into the room, carrying a cafeteria bagel.

"Yes Joey?" Ms. Rund asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry." He mumbled again as he took a seat next to Dan and between Azavia. "As I said, really long line."

Ms. Rund mentally rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "Joey, this is Dan. He's new, and started at the beginning of this week. Right now we're just going around and re-introducing ourselves, like we did at the beginning of the year. Just quickly tell everyone your first name, pronouns, and your favourite Ice cream flavor."

He smiled apologetically and continued on with the introduction. "Hi! I'm Joey, I use he, him, his, and I LOVE mint chocolate chip ice cream!" He said, grinning. He had his hair dyed a brilliant silver, with a hint of, violet, was it? It was swept up into a magnificent quaff, showing off his brilliant blue/green eyes.

"He's pretty nice," Phil whispered to Dan, pointing at Joey. "He's pretty funny, he's a huge optimist," he put some emphasis on the 'huge.' "And he's one the friendliest people you'll ever meet." He said the next bit with a slight grin. "And he's one of the few people that go to this school that are actually out as gay."

Dan chuckled a little bit, but Immediately caught himself. "Whoops!" He giggled to Phil. "I'll shut up now!"

Phil shook his head, chuckling to himself. Dan truly was a different person out of school than during class. "Yeah, that's probably smart. I will too!" He chuckled, grinning at Dan, who smiled back.

//hello world! So hi, I lied. It took me a week, not a couple days to write this chapter. Oops. Sorry. But here it is! I hope you like meeting these new characters, and I decided I'm going to finish this part off in a third chapter! Also, please comment some ideas for what they could talk about next chapter, because the ideas that I originally had I think I'm going to save for later chapters... k I gotta go now we're watching Moana (which I haven't seen yet) and thanks so much for over a hundred reads! I'm surprised that you people have been able to bear through all this cringe XD. Thanks! Enjoy!//

And You Are? // Dan and Phil (Phan) High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now