Chapter 18 - The Wild Butter Hunt

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After an evening of personal space invasion and a delicious dinner of dino-nuggets and black beans, (because they were literally five) courtesy of Mrs. Lester, the boys were lounging on the couch, trying to find something to watch on Netflix.

Phil's parents had gone upstairs soon after dinner, telling the boys to not stay up too late or light the house on fire. They had promised not to do so, and having already binged an entire season of Family Guy, were now in their current predicament.

"What time is it, anyway?" Phil yawned, scooching closer to Dan.

He checked his phone. "Not too late, almost ten thirty." He told him, gaze reverting back to his fruitless Netflix hunt.

"Got it." He slumped down, resting his head on Dans shoulder. They sat like that, both too tired to make an attempt at conversation, when an idea hit Phil. "Hey, have you heard of the movie, 'The King and I?' It's an old musical, and positivily fabulous." He explained, sitting up in his excitement, and nearly hitting the other boy square in the jaw in doing so.

The name did sound familiar. "Uhm, I don't think I've ever seen it. If it's good though, I'll give it a try." He shrugged, giving up the Grand Netflix Hunt while Phil jumped up and started shuffling through the stacks of DVDs they had.

"It must be around here somewhere, I just watched it the other day..." he murmured, moving to the next stack. "Aha! Here it is!" He held the case up triumphantly, rushing to put the disc in the player.

Once all that had been sorted out and the movie was successfully playing, he moved back to the couch, sitting next to Dan.

He snuggled up close to him, grabbing a blanket from the end of the couch and throwing it over them. He got comfortable, preparing himself for the beautiful movie. It really was one of his favorites, with eye catching costumes and sets, and amazing music.

"Remember, you really have to pay attention to the songs," he reminded Dan, who seemed utterly lost plot-wise. "Unlike most musicals today, the music isn't just there to sound nice, it tells the story." He explained, to which the other boy muttered something along the lines of, "okay" or, "thanks" or something.

The movie went by relatively quickly, Dan having wrapped his arm around Phil at some point, who had ended up almost sitting on him and then requiring consoling after he started to cry when the king died. All in all, they had a decent time.

"So, what's next, love?" Dan asked, kissing his cheek and pushing him off a little to stretch.

He shrugged. "You up for a midnight snack?" He asked, arching his back with a satisfying pop.

He grinned, sitting up properly. "When do I ever say no to food?" He laughed, standing up and pulling the other up next.

"Never since I've known you." They walked over to the kitchen, pulling open drawers and cupboards looking for something to eat.

"How about... mac and cheese?" Dan suggested, pulling out the box of Annie's Mac and cheese he had found.

Phil's face lit up, snatching the box out of his hand. "Perfect! While I'm getting stuff out, can you fill that pot about halfway with water?" He asked, gesturing towards a big pot on one of the shelves.

"You're... supposed to fill it with water?" He asked meekly, thinking back to a rather disastrous attempt at pasta he had made.

"Of course, what did you think you were supposed to do?" He responded, laughing while the brown haired boy blushed an embarrassed shade of crimson.

And You Are? // Dan and Phil (Phan) High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now