Chapter 10 - Texts

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Karrot: Wut bro?


Karrot: calm down boi explain

Philgon: so there's this new guy in my class called Dan and we became fast friends and then we went on a hike in the forest with a couple other friends and we got split up and Dan told me he was gay and had a melt down and I kissed him

Philgon: and now I'm scared that everyone'll find out and Idont think I'm ready and I don't want a repeat of last time 😭

Karrot: oh

Karrot: ok

Karrot: wow

Karrot: that's a lot to take in gimme a sec

Philgon: and...?

Karrot: *le sigh* Idk

Philgon: -_-

Karrot: well, do you like him?

Philgon: ya...

Karrot: do you think he likes you?

Philgon: probably?

Karrot: do you trust him?

Philgon: I guess so?

Karrot: than what's the worst that can happen?

Philgon: ...

Philgon: a lot...

Karrot: SHUT UP

Philgon: ...

Karrot: I'm just saying that maybe you should talk to him about it?

Philgon: but what if I mess up?

Karrot: I'm sure you'll be fine!😊

Philgon: fine😞

Karrot: you've got this!

Karrot: sorry gtg

Philgon: I hope so! Bye!

Karrot: bye!

//Hi! This chapter was honestly kind of a filler, but it was easy to write and I had major writers block earlier. I now see the appeal of writing texting fanfics, they really don't take much effort. (That wasn't meant to diss people, who write texting fanfics, I've just found writing them to be a whole lot easier than my normal chapters :P) and if you're wondering who Kiran is, it's one of Phils best friends from his old school. I thought I should probably clear that up. Also, tell me if you want more chapters like this, because I think they're kind of fun! As always, don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks! Enjoy!//

And You Are? // Dan and Phil (Phan) High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now