Chapter 19 - Mini Pancakes

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Phil woke up, immediately noticing a significant problem. Overnight, the two boys had somehow ended up completely entangled on the couch. Entangled, but fully clothed. Normally, he would find no problem with this, he might even bask in it. But, well, nature calls. Begrudgingly, after a few unsuccessful attempts at escaping, he softly shook Dan awake.

"Mmmmpphh.... piss off...." his hand was swatted away. He sighed, grabbing for his phone, which was just in reach.

"Dan, it's almost ten." He told him, checking the time. "And I need to pee."

The other boy groaned, opening his eyes, only for them to be bombarded with light from the day star. He slowly sat up, releasing Phil to embark on a dangerous quest to defeat the potty gremlins. In the meantime, Dan busied himself with convincing his limbs that ten was a perfectly reasonable time to start working and he had things to do today. (Well, not really, but don't tell his left pinky.)

After slaying the oppressive potty troll and being crowned King of the Turds, Phil emerged from the poo-poo pee-pee place and went back downstairs. He inched quietly past Dan, who was in quiet but heated argument with one of his big toes, and began to forage for food in the Land of Refrigeration. He finally found a box of mini Eggo pancakes in the freezer.

"These good?" He asked, snapping Dan out of a rap battle with his knee. "It's either this or broccoli."

He made a face and nodded, finally able to stand up. He teetered for a moment and fell back onto the sofa. He may or may not have sued his right calf.

As Phil put copious amounts of mini pancakes onto a tray that he then put in the oven to heat up, Dan spoke up. "You know you're friend you always talk about, Timmy, or whatever?"

Phil nodded. "Yeah, Thomas? What about him?"

"Pleasepleaseplease can we FaceTime him?!" Dan pleaded, starring to get excited.

Phil laughed, shaking his head at his friends resemblance to a little kid on their birthday. "Well, first of all, they're non-binary. They/them pronouns, please." He started. "And I mean, I can see if they're free, but," he shrugged, showing his uncertainty. "We'll see."

Dan grinned, leaning to look over Phil's shoulder as he typed out a quick, "hey, you free to ft?" To Thomas; almost knocking both of them over because he couldn't stop squirming.

"Alright, alright, get off!" Phil laughed, pushing the boy off him. He quickly stole a kiss as he rolled off, making him blush.

Phil leaned over, a rush of adrenaline shooting through his body, taking control of all impulses. He kissed the chocolate haired boy back, this one longer than most others. It wasn't a lustful kiss, though. More of a, oh-my-god-I-can't-believe-I'm-finally-able-to-kiss-you-like-this kiss, something special, only to be shared between the two of them.

They pulled away for air, giggling, each wishing oxygen wasn't necessary for life. Phil saw his phone light up, signaling a text. Thomas had responded, "yee, in a min. Lemme change out of my bathrobe."

//HELLO AGAIN. Frick I haven't updated this in forever, sorry. Also this chapter's really short. Sorry again. Half of this chapter was written on one day, the other another, so the first part is extremely weird. Whoops. Hopefully the next chapter will be longer and up sorta soon.//

that moment when this started as phanfic but is now slowly becoming one big band AU because I'm trash

that moment when you came back into this chapter to change "Ray" to "Thomas" because really this isn't supposed to be a band fic and however inaccurate the characters might be I should at least try to stay within the realm of YouTube (edits made 13/10/18)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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