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ok I'm really sorry I haven't updated in months, but the comments, tweets, dms were motivation enough for me to update this story :-)



I chuckled slightly as I placed the phone down, just finishing the conversation I had with Luke. I knew he would get lost with Darcie at some point, although I must admit, I'm impressed that he held out for so long.

"Do you like him?" Jack asked me, poking my sides.

"Do you like him?" I mirrored his voice teasing him, hitting his head, "Of course not, you idiot."

"I always thought you two would be perfect together, you know?" He said, looking serious this time.

Jack had many sides to him, just like Luke. He could be sarcastic and playful, then straight-forward and serious. He took off the towel sticked to my forehead and studied me.

"When you and Dave left, and Marielle died, we drifted. It was hard for the both of us to kept being friends and he just pushed me away. He started bullying me to the verge that I started harming myself, and he even started hurting me physically too. I hate him a lot, but I can't help to love him as a best friend still." I explained, I started crying again. I was ashamed for admitting what exactly happened to Luke and I. We were supposed to be the strongest boat that can endure anything as long as we stayed together.

"I'm sorry, Shannen." He said kissing me on the forehead, wiping down my tears.

"Get some rest, I'll wake you when Luke gets here." Jack reassured me, pecking my cheek and leaving the room.

I couldn't sleep. All I did today was sleep and eat. My thoughts were still crazy about Luke and I. Our relationship was like the titanic. Everyone knew about it, we were famous and strong. Except, we couldn't handle a fucking ice berg, which was Dave and Marielle.

I glanced down at my arms. I was covered with old bruises, burns, and cuts. Each a reminder of the past, I had with Luke, and with myself.

I stopped cutting when I realized it wasn't worth it. I was bleeding myself to insure that I was alive, but I knew I was already. I was just that numb.

I tried closing my eyes, images of Luke and Marielle flashed my mind. Us three against the world, that was how it always was. My mind began to drift from one lovely memory to another and soon I was consumed by sleep.


I heard shouting downstairs, as I tried making aware of my surroundings. I was still definitely at Luke's house, but it's darker since it's already 4:00 I got up and made the bed, going to the bathroom to check out my appearance. I was looking better than a few nights ago, but I knew that would change as soon as I get Darcie back.

I admit, I've missed her too. It was weird not having her cries wake me up, and her weird giggles. God, I'm missing a toy!

I headed down the stairs and I heard a glass crash down the tiles. My heart accelerated faster. Was there a burglar? Jack wouldn't leave me alone, right?

I kept quiet, creeping down the steps and peeking towards the living room. There stood Jack and Luke glaring at each other, the glass vase that once stood beautifully at the table, was now on the floor, broken.

"Your grandmother loved this vase," I whispered bending down and collecting the broken pieces, "My grandmother made it for her. Remember? Mama used to have this glass shop down the farm? We would all play hide-and-seek. Us four. Marielle and Luke against Jack and I."

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