one || shan

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I walked along the lonely hallways of Northwest High school, not even bothering to hurry up to my fifth period. I was late for the third time today because of a jerk that goes by the name, Luke Hemmings.

He decided it would be fun to lock me in the janitor's closet and throw the key in a filled trash can. Exactly, he's a dick.

I went by my locker, changing my stained sleeping with sirens tee to a blink-182 sweatshirt. I grabbed my textbook, and semi-jogged to my class.

I sighed before opening the door, entering my Health class. I felt thirty-two pair of eyes staring at me as I snapped and said, "I didn't kill someone, stop looking at me like that."

"Ms. Renolds! Lovely to see you join the class. You are late for the third time this week!" Ms. Barbara yelled at me, ordering me to my seat, which was unluckily right in front of Luke Hemmings.

"You smell, Renolds." He whispered behind me, pushing my seat forward.

"Fuck off, Hemmings." I turned back, flicking him off and opening the textbook to p.168, Human Reproduction.

"Well, before we were rudely interrupted by Ms. Renolds, I was telling the class about a new project we are starting today. It is called 'The Baby Project', where a pair will have to take care of an electronic child for eight weeks." Ms. Barbara said excitedly, pulling out a toy baby from the drawers.

"The baby is not just a toy, you can't just throw it away. It cries, eats, poops, and it can record sounds, also let me warn you, there is a video recording device that is installed, we will survey your parenting skills at times. This baby is worth 75% of your grade. Take this seriously." She stared down at each and every one of us in the room.

The idea of being paired with a person to take care of a toy made me laugh, I looked around for any possible partners, when I saw Michael nod at me, as I nodded back grinning. Michael and I have been friends ever since we were little, he was the perfect partner for this project.

"Don't try and choose a partner, I have a list of pairs here already assigned for you. Do not complain about your partner, you must learn to act as fair parents for the project." Ms. Barbara said, probably crushing my hopes of having a fun eight weeks.

"First pair, Michael Clifford and Kerry Paulson," "Second pair, Gina Mae and Jerry Yen,"... she went on and on never stating my name, till the eight pair.

"Shannen Renolds and Luke Hemmings will be partners for this project.." Ms. Barbara said. Everyone in the room was holding in a gasp, as they all stared down at the two of us.

"No fucking way! Change it!" I complained to my Health teacher who was still busily reciting out pairs. She soon gave up, posting the paper on the board for the students to check themselves.

"Do you want an F, Shannen?" She asked looking at me curiously.

"No." I sighed sitting back down in my chair, annoyed by the thought of spending eight long weeks with Luke.

He tapped my shoulder as I turned around and glared at him.

"You're stuck with me for the past month and more, try and be nice, bitch." He said, glaring back at me.

"Says the dick who just called me a bitch, okay." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes at his stupidity.

"I can't believe you have to play mother for a baby, you can barely take care of yourself." He spitted out to me. I was used to his hateful words, and most of his insults didn't face me.

"And I can't believe that you're going to act like a father, when you don't have one in the first place!" I fired back angry at him. I knew I took it to far with the Father card since he stayed quiet and glared at me.

"Okay, since everyone has now figured out who your partner is, then please transfer desk and sit right next to them." Ms. Barbara ordered, making my anger towards her increase. She knew Luke and I didn't get along! Why did she have to do this!

Luke stood up, making his way to the empty seat right next to me, and "accidentally" kicks my things.

"I'm not going to fight you, Luke. Enough for today, I'm tired." I sighed out, waiting for Ms. Barbara to give us the electronic baby.

She walked to where Luke and I was sitting a laid a realistic looking doll, it was wearing pink clothes signifying it was a girl, and Ms. Barbara also handed us a baby bag with all the essential needs of the baby.

"I know the both of you have issues, but please try to resolve them with this project. Now, this is a baby girl, once I finish passing out the babies, I will come back to the both of you to discuss names." Ms. Barbara said, passing out the next baby, this time wearing blue to Ashton Irwin and Dwayne Misley.

I looked at the baby laying on the desk, it's eyes were open, they were crystal blue, purely coincidental that they were like her father's eyes.

"What should we name her?" I asked Luke, facing him. Not adding an insult to the question.

"Whatever you want it named, it's shit." He replied. I was surprised he didn't insult me bu-, "like the mother." I knew it was impossible, Luke hates me to death and will take every chance he gets in insulting me.

"Darcie, then." I whispered, opening the baby bag and examining the contents inside which was a bottle of white substance, a few diapers, a pacifier, and spare clothes plus instructions and worksheets on the project.

"What kind of name is that?" Be asked scoffing.

"My sister's name was Marielle Darcie." I faced him once more, I saw his laughing expression changed to a soft one.

Luke and I weren't always like this. We used to be best friends back when we were little. When his father left him at a young age of fourteen, he changed, he started smoking and hanging with the wrong crowd. I couldn't reach him because the same year, my younger sister was killed in a car accident. We fell apart, and the very next year we acted like strangers towards one another, and the insults and hate started.

Ms. Barbara finished handing out babies and walked to out table, grabbing a chart and laying it down for us to sign.

"What is the baby's name?" Ms. Barbara asked cheerfully.

"It's name is Darc-" I said, but Luke cut me off, "Darcie Hemmings." He said completely shocking Ms. Barbara and I. Her smile grew wider, as she pointed at where Luke and I should sign, and turned on Darcie.

Immediately, Darcie started crying loudly, just like the other babies around it, the room was filled with cries as all the high school students frantically tried calming their baby down. Ms. Barbara watched in pure amusement watching the young adults suffer, as she sat on her chair and proceeded to reading a novel.

I grabbed Darcie's pacifier and inserted it on her mouth, calming her down as she started sucking on it.

Luke was looking at me as I held Darcie in my arms. He had the baby bag swung on his shoulders, the pink color not messing up his macho appearance.

"You're keeping it tonight, I have a party to go too, meet me next hour at the lockers beforehand." He said walking out the door with the pink baby bag still on him.

"For fucks sake, Lucas! Bring me back the bag!" I yelled running towards his direction, Darcie interrupting into loud cries, earning stares from the now occupied hallway.

Great, I can't wait for the rest of the project.

basically the dolls are like baby alive toys or if you're in hs health and you're familiar with cry babies then thats what the toy babies look like, if not just google it mons

i am so naming my baby "Darcie" because rad and woah


hola at me on twitter : @rad5sos


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