Chapter Five

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Bellamy's P.O.V

I leaned all of my weight on my hands as I stared at my reflection. For once in my life, I felt confident. I was going to do this... for Gerard, the man who was supposedly my love, and his people.

Looking at myself now, I realized how plain and boring I was. I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing it back as I looked over my current outfit.

Khaki pants fit to my waist but hung loosely around my legs. The Yteicos High School name and mascot claimed the navy blue blazer provided to me that fit over a black tank top. I wore black socks and a pair of black polished dress shoes.

Rummaging through my closet, I threw every article of clothing I owned to the floor in search for pieces that I could bring along with me that fit the 'zone life' and look.

Grabbing the black skinny jeans, I hurried to the bathroom and peeled out of my khakis and traded them out for the more form fitting pants. I shrugged my blazer off and threw it to the right of me, not caring where it landed, leaving me in my tank top.

I joined Cornelius in my room once again. He pointed to a pile on my bed and I curiously picked at each item. I aimlessly grabbed the white piece of fabric, identifying it as a rag. Stuffing it in my pocket, I let the end hang out while I unfolded a bandana with the pattern of a black spider set in the middle. I smiled, wrapping it around my left thigh.

Underneath the bandana were several rings, all different sizes of round silver. I wriggled one onto my left pointer finger, pushed another onto my left thumb, practically forced another onto my right thumb and pointer finger, and easily slid the last one onto my right ring finger.

I tossed my dress shoes under the bed, tugging on boots instead.

One last clothing item was what was left of the pile. Holding it up and out in front of me, I ran my fingers over the leather as I turned it around. A black skull was centered on the back, standing out against the electric blue color.

I have never seen this before in my life. Where the hell did this come from?

I bit my lip as I slid my arms through, rolling up the sleeves to just below my elbows. I turned in a full circle, holding the palms of my hands out, raising my eyebrows in excitement, "Better?"

Cornelius looked satisfied as he handed me a pair of black aviators. I hung them over my eyes, "Better," he beamed, nodding his head, "You should pack food and water."

I snatched my schoolbag from my bed, emptying the contents onto the sheets, heading towards my bedroom door.

I was pretty sure my mom went out to do a few errands before curfew, but I double checked the halls, staying still and quiet to listen for any sign of her. She would flip out once she saw my new outfit and contact the Director immediately. I couldn't let that happen. Too much was on the line here. I had to be careful and smart about this.

Just at the wrong time as I was halfway in my bedroom and halfway in the hallway, another memory came passing through my head and deciding that it'd be a convenient time to say hello. I dropped to my knees, clutching my head as I eventually fell on my side, curling into fetal position.


"May I have everyone's attention please?" Gerard shouted. We stood on a large float that was just sitting in the middle of the street. It was unmoving. What kind of idiot does that? I looked out into the crowd that Gerard was addressing. This must be his people- the phantoms, I remembered. They all turned wearing worried expressions, "Don't panic but we are under attack. We have a plan, okay? I'm going to stay here to protect you guys and watch over Mikey while Frank and Ray go back with Dawn-" Dawn, I thought. My name... is Dawn. But how is that? He continued on while I thought this through, "-to hide out while they try and search for Bob," he announced to the uneasy crowd.

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