Chapter Six

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Bellamy’s P.O.V

I had killed seven dracs. Seven of them. The memory still stood there- unlike some other ones. I still couldn’t believe it entirely or even fully begin to process it clearly. I, Bellamy Bay Iris, killed seven dracs to escape Battery City.

I was honestly in shock. I had never killed a person to my knowledge. Did Dawn ever kill someone before? I didn’t think so because I would’ve thought that at the feeling of pulling the trigger, some sort of memory would come up. But none of those had happened of course.

His small bony hand brushed against the hairs on my neck from his position in my backpack pouch, snapping me out of my daze, “You didn’t have a choice. Those dracs have been programmed to shoot without a second thought. There’s going to be more in the morning. I suggest that we find a place to campout for the night so that you can get some sleep. I’ll stay up and keep watch,” he suggested, leaning against the net.

“No,” I protested, “We need to cover as much ground as possible.”

“Bella…” he said in a stern voice.

Sighing, the thought of sleep washed over me, sounding very tempting, “Okay,” I whispered softly.

I found us a dune that had a tree protecting a boulder from the sun that would soon come in the morning, “Night Bella,” Cornelius said sweetly. I muttered the same back to him, letting sleep consume me.

“Shit,” she muttered, hugging herself as she walked against the wind a few blocks to a nearby park. Looking around, I felt the cool metal around her fingers as she wrapped them around the chains.

I recognized this place. It was the one that I went to as a kid but in my own world… not this one. She took a steady breath, I do that sometimes when I get confused or frightened or overwhelmed by something big. I guess not many things have changed between us.

I’m losing my mind, I heard her voice inside her head, her American accent having the same tone and pitch as mine but lacking the British one. She closed her eyes, leaving me in the darkness of her mind.

Thoughts reeled in and out of her brain. They were there and gone, leaving me running around and trying to grab at one. Question marks seemed to bounce around, trying to smother me.

She was so lost in thought and I was trying not to get flattened by the question marks that we both jumped when light swam into vision, a familiar voice coming up behind her, “You okay?” He asked, his hand on her back in a comforting gesture.

Her posture relaxed as his eyes met hers. They were hazel with a gold touch to them- absolutely beautiful. Gerard, my own mind spoke and I nodded. Yes it was. He crouched down in front of her, removing his hand just to take them in her own.

She chewed on her lip and just then it felt like time had slowed down just for the two of them- for the two of us. I knew what she was supposed to say next, she was supposed to ask him how he had found her, the words on the tip of her tongue, I could taste them.

The memory of what was supposed to happen hit me. And I moved my hands to his face, rubbing my thumb over his jaw line. I did. I was in complete control, I realized. My eyes widened as my fingers ran over his face and through his hair, eating up every inch of him, “I miss you.”

“What are you talking about?” He frowned, using the pad of his thumb to wipe away the tears that I didn’t even realize I had been shedding, “Dawn? I’m right here. It’s okay.”

I shook my head, “No. It’s not okay. Gerard, I’m coming for you. I promise,” my voice shook as I dug my nails into his skin. He looked sincerely confused like he knew that’s not what I was supposed to say either.

It kind of reminded me of a play where the person says a completely different line from the script and you know it but you just don’t know how to respond. Should you stick to your lines and move on? Or should you go with it?

He pulled me into a comforting hug, stroking my hair. I cried into his shoulder, my tears staining his shirt. He went with it.

“I love you Gerard,” I crashed my lips to his.

A clicking sound woke me out of my wonderful dream. How had I taken control of the memory? It was a memory, I couldn’t change something like that. I opened my eyes to find a gun pointed to my forehead, right in between my eyes, “Make a move and I will shoot you.”

My eyes adjusted to the morning light as I came face to face with a feminine figure whose posture rang a bell. She hovered over me, “Why the hell are you sleeping in the middle of the desert? Are you seriously that suicidal or are you just stupid?” The female voice ranted. I’ve heard that voice before, I thought, maybe it was a little less hostile.

I blinked, clearing my blurry vision. Had I been crying in my sleep? I slowly reached a hand up and pressed them to underneath my eyes… yup, I had definitely been crying.

The girl noticed and her lip twitched, she lowered her gun to my chest, peering over the top but never letting her guard down, “Are you alright?”

“Adele?” Cornelius’s small voice sounded, a hint of pure shock in the midst. The girl’s head whipped in the direction in which the sound had come from, looking at the skeleton.

“Oh my god…” she said, lowering her gun completely and clicking it into her holster.

Adele…? I felt my eyes lose their focus and then refocusing, grasping for any memory of Adele. There was one floating around in my mind and I frantically grabbed at it, not completely going into my memory spasm but I did press the palms of my hands into my eyes, about to rip them out.

“You must be Dawn. My name is Adele. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she had politely introduced, her voice ringing in my ears. I remembered her perfect features all too well now. Her once chin length black hair and bangs which were now down to her shoulders and a frizzy mess, her bangs now out of her face. But those eyes… those grey eyes. Those same beautiful eyes still held their glowing silver. Even now, I could recognize it from the sun reflecting off of them through her mask.

For awhile it was silent as I followed her, the only sound being the drums growing louder and louder as we drew closer to the parade.

“Adele,” I breathed, out of breath. She looked at me with curious eyes, “I remember you…”

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