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When I awoke the next morning, I was confused. Not confused from the night before and not confused by anything about Dylan. Confused as to why I have awoken to Katie's whiny voice ringing in my ears. Confused as to why she's in Dylan's room. Why is she here? 

I then realize that Dylan is probably telling her the truth. He's probably telling her what happened last night or simply telling her that he picked me. I look out through the curtains and onto the balcony where they stand. I'm shocked when I see exactly what I didn't expect. 

Dylan kisses Katie and hugs her close. He strokes her hair and whispers something in her ear. She settles comfortably against him. I watch in awe. I tell myself that I'm overreacting. He's just saying his goodbyes. I haven't told my mom that I'm not leaving yet. I was planning on doing it when I woke up. My blood boils as I watch them embrace. This is a long hug for two people who just broke up. 

Finally, my theories are confirmed incorrect. Dylan leans down and kisses her hard. Just like he kissed me last night. My jaw drops at the same time my heart shatters. The pang in my chest feels as if someone took a knife to it. I suppose in a way, someone did. My stupidity got the best of me. I was able to fall so hard for someone who just let me down. Someone who could make me smile just as easily as he could break my heart. 

This is when I collapsed to the floor. When I realized that I was all wrong. When I realized that Dylan Keely did not truly love me. When I realized that I'd been played. When I realized that I was just as stupid as I was in high school. 

So I did what I do best when I'm completely lost. I wrote. I wrote about everything that has happened in the past week. I wrote about everything I could think of. I became so frustrated by the end of it that I slammed my computer shut and tossed it across my bed. 

And then I began to pack. 

I was leaving. There was nothing anyone could say or do to change my mind because I'm not that stupid anymore. I'm not so stupid that I could change all of my plans just for one person. My stupidity is no longer with me. I'm smarter than this. I deserve better than this. 

I packed all of my clothes into my duffle bag, I packed my makeup, my bathroom stuff, my books, my chargers, and everything else I left in this room. I grabbed my keys and my bag. I turned off the light in my room and I skipped down the stairs to my car. Dylan is too busy in his room with Katie, which I left just in time to avoid hearing. 

The only other people in the house were Sammy and Jake. They were sitting on the couch. I dropped my bag by the door with tears brimming in my eyes. Sammy and Jake both stand up and look at me. I give them a sad smile before pulling them both into a hug. Jake is taller than me and Sammy is my height. They are tall kids. Sammy kisses my cheek and Jake kisses my forehead almost apologetically. 

"You two are amazing kids. Promise me you'll come take a trip out to see me in Santa Barbra," I cry. 

"Of course we will, Raim," Jake laughs, pulling me into a side hug. 

"I didn't think you'd actually leave," Sammy whispers as a tear rolls down his cheek, "did you talk to Dylan?"

"Yeah I did, and I wasn't going too. Until this morning when he suddenly changed his mind too," I smile sadly again. 

"I'm gonna kill him," Sammy spats. 

"Don't tell him I'm gone until I'm long gone," I mention, "if he wanted something with me he should've kept his promises."

"Okay, we won't tell him," Jake promises. I nod and smile. 

We all hug once more before I slip out the door. My chest tightens and more tears roll down. I get into my car and head towards The Streets. I have to say goodbye to Cole. 

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