Tylers Basketball game

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You sat with your best friend at the cafeteria in your school and she talked all the time about the big basketball game tonight, which will take place in the sports' hall of your school. She doesn't talk about it because she's interested in basketball, she talked about how she will cheer the boy of her dreams up at the game. As you must know, only the popular guys are in the basketball team of your school.

You were easily pushed by your best friend with her elbow. “And for whom do you want to go to the play today? I mean, they all look good but you have to choose one.” She winked at you and smiled broadly. What she didn't knew was that you had already decided for what boy you are going to the game.

“I don't know yet, maybe I'll just come along without looking for a guy and I want to spend time with you.” You partly admitted it. “So I'll go for Dylan.” your best friend smiled at you widely and looked over to the table where the basketball players sat and looked at Dylan dreamily. Sure, he looked good but he wasn't your type with his blond high-glossed hair. You also looked over at the table and looked at him.

Tyler Robert Joseph, the boy with the most beautiful smile all over the world. Yes, you liked Tyler, but liked was still too understated. You must admit that you were in love with him. He wasn't like the other guys from the team, he was ... much greater.

You looked back at your food tray and you felt the look of your best friend on you. “Are you sure you haven't picked one yet?” She asked grinning and you just lightly shook your head.

The school bell rang and you went to the next class. Your best friend wanted to pick you up afterwards so you could go to the game together. At home, you laid down on your bed and thought about Tyler. You couldn't help it, your thoughts were always around Tyler. That must be real love.

Has he ever noticed you or did he know your name? These thoughts were like he was a superstar, but you were thinking about such things all the time. Tyler went into your parallel class and you hadn't got any classes together so far. Why do you have to fall in love with the guy who is one of the most popular guys and every girl liked and wanted to date him?

Your mother brought you out of your thoughts by calling you to come down to eat. You went downstairs, sat down at the table and started eating. “How was your day, dear?” your mother asked you lovingly. “Okay. Just like always.” You were eating your food. “I wanted to go to the basketball game of our school tonight with (Y/BFs/N). Is that okay?” You asked and looked at your mother. “At what time will it start?” “7 pm and will go about 2 hours.” You answered her and ate your plate empty. “That's all right, then I wish you lots of fun.” told you your mother and you got up, took your plate away and went back up the stairs to your room to get ready.

You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror and went down as you heard the horn of your friend's car. You called a goodbye to your parents before you left the house and got into the car of your best friend.

“Well, already excited?” You asked her when you saw her wide grin. “A bit. I'm most excited about Dylan, do I look good?” She asked you about your opinion. “You look great.” You smiled at her and she also smiled broadly. “Then we can go.” She winked at you and drove to the sports' hall where the game will take place.

Once there, you got out and saw some people standing outside the hall and going in. You went inside and sat down on one of the benches. (Y/BFs/N) immediately looked over to Dylan and you of course to Tyler. The two were standing on the other side of the hall, talking to other team mates. He looked so good with his basketball jersey.

You heard a loud whistle and the players went to their positions. “The guys from the other team don't look bad either.” said (Y/B/F/N) and looked back at Dylan. The game started and the team from your school could get the ball first and started their first attempt to throw a basket. Dylan dribbled and you only heard (Y/B/F/N) whisper how great he was. He gave the ball off to Tyler and he then made the first basket.

His smile was simply incomprehensible beautiful when he was happy. You must also smile and applauded like other people. Tyler went back to his starting position and while he was walking, he looked at you with a smile. You smiled back and got red. Did he just smiled at you? Did he mean you or did he wanted to smile at someone else? You continued to watch the game and in the end your team won. Meanwhile, Tyler has looked at you again or at a person behind or beside you.

Most people got up and left the hall. “I'm going to Dylan and congratulate him for the win.” (Y/B/F/N) smiled and made her way to Dylan as long as he was still alone. You were still sitting on the bench and looked at the two. They smiled and talked to each other. Why couldn't you be as confident as she is, then you probably could try to speak to Tyler.

You noticed someone sits next to you and looked at the person. A smiling Tyler sat next to you and looked at you. Is this just real or do you just dream? “I wouldn't have thought that you were coming today.” His voice was so incredibly beautiful. You got a little red and realized that he was talking to you.

“Why did you thought that?” You asked in an uncertain voice. “Because you almost were never at a basketball game.” He explained to you and looked forward. “How do you know that I'm almost never at one, maybe I'm a huge basketball fan.” You looked at him smiling and laughing a little. Before he answered he became slightly red. “I know that. Otherwise, I would have seen you every time, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.”

Unfortunately? Was he disappointed because you weren't at his games? He pays attention to you? “How do you mean that?” You asked him a little confused. “I-I have seen you in school and i have noticed you often. If you had been sitting here in the crowd, I would certainly have noticed you.” He murmured softly and looked at his hands.

Then he apparently knows who you are and he has noticed you. You would like to jump up and down and squeal with joy now. “You played very well.” your voice shivered and you pat a hair strap behind your ear and looked at him further. “Thanks, I had more motivation today.” He looked at you and smiled again.

You looked each other in the eyes and smiled at each other all the time. It wasn't an unpleasant silence, it was a pleasant silence and at that moment you didn't need words.

“Can we go?” (Y/BFs/N) interrupted and looked at you both grinning. “Ehmm...sure.” you murmured quietly and got up. Tyler also stood up and looked at you again. “See you tomorrow (Y/N).” He smiled at you and then went to Dylan. You smiled after him and went out with your best friend. You climbed into her car and she drove you home. On the way there she squeezed you out of Tyler and told you how it was with Dylan.

When you were home, you laid in your bed and smiled all the time like a little kid. Tyler knew your name. He often noticed you and smiled at you. He spoke to you. Your day couldn't have run better.

What you didn't knew was that Tyler was also in love with you and he finally had the courage to speak to you. He gave himself extra effort in the game because he knew that you were watching him. In the cafeteria, he secretly looks at you and has the same thoughts as you about him. He was looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow.

~I hope you enjoyed this Imagine too and I would be grateful for a vote or a comment. Have a nice rest day my frens.♡~

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