He's your 'customer'~Tyler

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You waited in the motel room for your next customer but you were secretly hoping that something in between comes so that you don't have to sleep with him. You didn't like that job at all but you need it to make money. Actually, you would love to have a reasonable job, but you only got rejections and what else shall you do than just to sit somewhere and do nothing. You needed the money to rent a small apartment and to have enough food to stay alive.

You wore shorts and a belly free top. You were sitting on the bed waiting for your customer. You got this room just for the night and it was a seedy room, the heating was off and it looked like everything was shabby. You touched once again over your skirt. All of a sudden you heard a knock at your door. "It must be him. Don't let him know how you feel about it and that you really don't want it." you thought to yourself when you got up and went to the door. Before you opened the door, you still took a deep breathe and opened the door.

You were looking at a man with brown eyes and a black cap on his head. The man also looked at you and was just scratching his neck. He muttered "I'm sorry, I think I caught the wrong door." You were relieved that it wasn't your customer. "It's okay.." you were mumbling and wanted to go back in but he talked to you again. "May I ask what you're doing here?" He looked slightly smiling at you and you didn't really understand his question. He noticed it and continued talking." So, why are you here in this Motel? The quality is not good. Are you going somewhere?" he asked you and didn't lose his smile.

You had to say that he has a great smile, in general he's a handsome man. Due to his question, you had to laugh easily and you slightly leaned on the door. "I'm working and you may see in my clothes as what. Most people would have noticed that I think." You thought that people saw as what you were working, but apparently this wasn't the thing. You wanted to dress not so extremely like the others, otherwise you would feel even more worthless.

"I knew it to be honest, but i didn't want to say it." he confessed and putted his hands in his pockets before he spoke again. "To be honest you don't deserve it." "What do i don't deserve?" you asked questiongly and he looked seriously at you. "To work here... or even doing this job." You could see in his eyes that he really meant it. You didn't knew why but you can find trust in his eyes. You see him as a honest and nice man and you want to definitely meet him, but you were ashamed of yourself for your job and you believed that he wanted to have nothing to do with a prostitute. "I have unfortunately no other choice to be honest. I've done quite a bit to be not here, but there has never been another way."you admitted and looked at him again. You could see that he was apparently thinking and he nodded lost in thoughts.

After a few seconds was he back and looked at you slightly smiling. "I have a suggestion for you: Let's go eat and getting ideas on how we can help you getting a better job. What do you say?" You were very surprised at this offer, but you were looking forward to a better life. You wouldn't have your customer today and could go with a nice guy for planning a better future. "Sure. I'm getting my coat." You smiled at him before you went back in the cold room and putted on your coat. You made your way out where the man was standing. You closed the door immediately behind you and saw the man who held out his hand to you.

"I'm Tyler by the way." he said while you shook his hand. "(Y/N)." You both made your way to his car and drove to a restaurant. Tyler told you that he's on tour and that he had a few free days. You were talking all night about you and him or funny stories. After you had finished eating he offered that you could come with him because your apartment was further away and he didn't wanted that you were alone this evening. You went with him in his hotel room and he gave you other clothes and offered you his bed for the night. You didn't wanted to take his bed away from him but he insisted it. You lied in bed and thought about the day. You came to the conclusion that Tyler was the best thing which happened to you today.

The next day you spend time with Tyler. He already helped you find a new job: as a makeup assistant on the tour from Twenty One Pilots. You were grateful about everything. He had helped you to get a better life.

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