He's in jail~Tyler

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You twitched together shortly as you heard the sound of the basketball as it bounced on the floor. Your boyfriend was on the basketball court of the prison and threw a few baskets. You saw he was a bit bored because he can't do much here. He threw the ball a few times on the ground before his eyes wandered back to the basket which hung a few meters away from him. He angled his arms, aims and it landed in the basket.

"Good throw." You said as a greeting which made Tyler turn around to you. "Hey." he smiled gently and came over to you. When he was near you he gave you a long kiss. "Hey you! They don't like to see that."called a security guard in your direction and Tyler separated from the kiss and sighed. "You can't do anything here..." he mumbled and laid his forehead against your forehead. He looked you deep in the eyes and you put a hand on his cheek. He looked tired and got a light beard, what looked good on him.

"Do you want to sit on the bench?" he pointed to a bench which was a few meters from you. You nodded and together you went to the bench and sat there. Tyler took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb over your hand. "How are you?" you asked carefully, because you saw that he wasn't fine but you hoped that he'll tell you that. "The last time was hard for me. I can't sleep because so many thoughts are in my head and they make me feel bad..."he looked at his shoes and played with a rock that laid on the ground. "What kind of thoughts?" you put your free hand on his and you turned more to him. "I have the feeling that I disappointed everyone... you, my family, everyone. I think about what I can do so I could deal with myself, but so far I have found no solution. I'm a loser. That's what I am and nothing else." It hurt you that he made himself so down and talked bad about himself.

"That's not true Tyler. You aren't a loser and you didn't disappoint me or the others. Please don't say something like that. I love you just the way you are and in my eyes, you're one of the most wonderful people in the world and you know that my opinion about you will not change." you cheered him up and this time he looked you again in the eyes. "Do you know how much I love you?" he had to smile slightly. "How much?", you teased him and looked at him smiling and he noticed your teasing.

He tickled you slightly and then putted an arm around you. "I love you so much. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." he whispered in your ear and leaned his head on yours. The both of you just sat there and said nothing. You enjoyed the presence of each other. After a few minutes stood a security guard before you. "The time is now over." he said without emotion and you and Tyler stood up. "I'll come back in a few days." you promised and kissed him, although this was discouraged here. "I love you (Y/N)." "I love you too Tyler." You both looked at each other smiling before the security guard brought you out. He watched you the whole time until you left. Now began the fight with his thoughts again and the time he must spend without you.

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