Sunrise with a Daisy

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  "Asuka, you look beautiful honey!"

"Oh mom, you're being over dramatic."

"No I'm not, I mean it! You look wonderful!"

Asuka giggled softly, shaking her head. "Whatever you say, mom."

"Are you excited? It's your first breakfast date with this man! What's his name again?"

"Edo Phoenix."

"Oh my! I'm so excited for you! When is he coming?"

"Mom, please---"

The phone began ringing, pulling them out of concentration. "I'll get it!"

Asuka rolled her eyes in amusement, turning to the closest mirror to check out her appearance. She didn't think much of her looks. In fact, she sighed at the sight of herself. Edo had tried so hard to get a date with her, and for some odd reason, Asuka couldn't figure out why. What did she have to offer that he so desperately wanted? She wasn't sure, but she was hoping to find out this morning.

"Honey, there's someone on the phone for you."

"Who is it?" Asuka called, brushing loose ends out of her face.

"Um, he says his name is Judai."


"Do you know a Judai?"

Asuka swung around to face her mom in complete shock. "Yuki Judai?"

Her mom shrugged, putting the phone back towards her mouth. "Is it Yuki Judai?"

Asuka didn't wait to find out; she ran over to the phone and snatched it from her.

"Judai?!" She quickly gasped into the phone.

It was silent for a moment.

Too silent.

She was beginning to think this was some sort of practical joke.

"Asuka," a familiar, comforting voice rang. "Boy is it nice to hear your voice."

Almost cinematically, Asuka's mind began reeling with memories of her beloved classmate and their time together at Duel Academy. She definitely had a soft spot for him, but he never seemed to notice.

"Judai...where are you?"

It was all she could think of asking. Besides, he had disappeared before graduation. The last time she got to see him was right before the going away party the night before graduation. She always regretted not telling him how she felt. How could she predict it'd be this long since hearing from him again?

She could hear Judai sigh on the line. "I'm...home."

A huge smile crawled on her face. For the slightest moment, she was happy.

But it didn't last long. Anger suddenly swelled her emotions and over took her.

"Yuki Judai! You ran away from school and disappeared for six months! No one knew where you were or if you were okay! You didn't tell anyone! Why the hell would you do that to us? We loved you! We cared about you! We deserved at least a warning before you pulled that kind of stunt!"

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