Sunrise with a Sapphire

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-------One week Later------

                The past week had been particularly tough. Judai felt a little more drained every day. Working to live in a new and exciting city wasn't so much of a chore, but doing it just to stay in Domino had made him extra exhausted.

In fact, everything was rather strenuous. From waking up, working, eating, and going to sleep. He had this unbearable desire to reach out to his friends, but he knew he couldn't do that unless he was willing to commit. Besides, he didn't want to depend on anyone but himself. But it was that quality about him that was hurting him the most.

Every time he attempted to message a friend, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He'd instantly have flashbacks to his time in Florence, when after a long day of work, he wanted to grab a beer with a friend, but they'd always happen to be busy.

"Fine! I don't need you anyways, you little fuckers!" Judai hissed, tossing over his desk chair. It was the fifth day in the row when all of his "friends" were conveniently "busy".

"Judai! What was that noise?" Ms. Vitali hollered from down the stairs.

"Fuck fuck FUCK!" Judai groaned, grabbing his bag and stuffing it with clothes.

"Judai!" Footsteps ascended the stairs until someone was knocking at his door.

Judai didn't answer; he continued shoving his belongings into his luggage. Ms. Vitali soon opened the door. "Judai, what's wrong?" She asked with worry in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, breathing quickly while moving rather fast. "I can't stay here anymore."

"Why not? What happened dear?"

"If they don't want to see me, they'll never see me again," Judai muttered.

"Sweetheart, relax. Maybe your friends are busy," she hummed. Ms. Vitali knew what was going on. For the past week, Judai wasn't getting out like had been doing the week prior. He was staying locked in his room, only coming down for meals.

"I don't ask for much," he revealed. "All I say is, "what's up? Wanna hang?" Yah know? And I get these bullshit replies. I feel like I'm wasting away in here."

"Why don't you try going out on your own?"

"I have," Judai dropped his bag, looking at her straight in the eyes. "Guess where I found all my friends?"

She put her hands over her mouth, "Oh dear."

"Yeah, tell me about it." He picked up his bag and shoved a few more things in there. Once he finished, he looked up at her with a sad smile. "Thank you so much, Ms. Vitali. For everything. I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly. Will you be okay without me for the week?"

Ms. Vitali began tearing up. She really enjoyed Judai's company and his hard work. She nodded yes. "But, where will you go?"

"I'm heading down to Rome. I'll hop on a night train. Start anew."

She nodded sadly, reaching into her pocket and pulling out 50 Euros.

"No, I don't need that," Judai pushed her hand back.

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