Sunset with a Snowflake and a Spider

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When Judai got home, he unpacked a few more blankets from his bag and set them in the corner of his room. He pulled out his laptop and lowered himself to the ground. If there was one thing he was sure of, it was that his money was running out, and he needed to find a place to gamble. Be it a bar with a pool table, dueling competition, or casino; he needed something.

"Lucky's Bar," Judai tasted the name on his tongue. "It'll do."

He saved the destination and began looking for places where he could clean in exchange to crash. Although he was pretty comfortable with most living situations, he realized he couldn't stay put in an empty house...wasting away.

"Ren's diner, okay," he pinned it.

Judai stayed like that for an hour, looking for places that would take him in exchange for some type of work. He decided he would stay in Domino for at least a month to save up money before leaving again. That's how he made ends meet in Europe, so that's what he would do here too.

At around 7pm, a honking noise erupted from outside Judai's house. The brunette raised an eyebrow in confusion, descending the stairs and looking out the window. A tiny beetle Volkswagen was in his driveway, but he couldn't make out who was in the driver's seat. He made his way out the door.

Suddenly, the car engine turned off and the car door opened. Judai nearly palmed his forehead once he realized who it was.

"I should have known it was you," Judai smiled.

"Who else knows how to bother you like your younger brother?" Sho smirked. "Damn it, Judai!" He ran up to him and embraced him in a huge hug. Judai returned the hug lovingly, wrapping his arms around his waist. "I have so much to scold you about," Sho whined.

"I'm sure you do," Judai closed his eyes, enjoying his friend's presence.

"But I'll do that later," he assured, standing back to look at him. "Right now I just want to spend time with you."

Judai scratched the back of his neck. "I'd invite you inside, but it's empty."

"Empty? How empty?"

"Really empty."

"Oh...well, that's no good! We have to find you a place to live!"

"Don't worry about it, I already have it figured out."

"You do?"

"Yeah, tomorrow morning I start washing dishes at Ren's diner. It's a two week ordeal. If I work, they let me stay in their loft upstairs."

"Oh...well, what about food and money?"

"Benefits include two free meals. Money is something I'm actually supposed to get tonight."

"Really? How?"

Judai began searching Sho with his eyes, particularly his arms.

"Judai???" Sho questioned nervously.

" good are you at pool?"


It was 10:30 at night when he got the call.

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