Sunrise with a Spider

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When Manjoume woke up, he expected to be in his apartment all alone.

But the scent of eggs and coffee had refreshed his memory of what happened the night before.

He quickly got up, went to the bathroom and tossed a comb through his hair. He exited his room with a rather large yawn, finding Judai in the kitchen flipping some eggs.

"Morning," Judai greeted. "Hope you don't mind, I'm a breakfast kinda guy."

Manjoume rolled his eyes in amusement. "And a lunch kind a guy....and a dinner kind a guy, with a passion for snacking whenever you can."

"You know me so well," Judai smiled. "I cooked up all the eggs, but if it's a problem, I can go buy you some more."

Manjoume waved in dismissal, "I don't eat breakfast often. In fact, I'm glad you're getting rid of the eggs for me. At least they're going to good use."

"That's one way to look at it," Judai nodded, flipping the eggs onto a plate that he had by him. "Thanks for helping me last night. I never mean to get that drunk when I go out gambling, but it always happens."

He shrugged in response. "Don't mention it."

"Well, I oughtta," Judai countered the statement, turning off the stove and pouring a cup of coffee. "You helped me win 362800 yen last night. I want you to have a few thousand."

"No, it's fine."

"Come on, Manjoume. It's my pleasure, really."

"Judai, you need it more than I do. I have a full time job and make lots of cash from duel competitions. My brothers pay me to advertise their business. I'm set for a while. Keep it all, okay?"

Judai looked up at him with an unsure gaze.

"Besides, I actually kinda had fun last night."

Judai's eyes widened. "Really?" He took his food to the couch and sat it on the coffee table. "Made you some breakfast, by the way."

Manjoume peeked his head at the one egg that Judai left for him, and a cup of coffee that rested in the pot. "Thanks..." He took the food to the coffee table as well. "You know, I never thought that a drunkard could have that good of skill in pool."

"My hands are a lot more quaky when I'm sober, not sure why. Emmanuel noticed that right off the bat. He said I'd fix up a lot nicer after a few drinks."

"Emmanuel," Manjoume tasted the name on his mouth. "Who is this Emmanuel you keep talking about?"

"Hm?" Judai hummed while stuffing an egg in his mouth.

"Well, you couldn't quit yapping about him last night," Manjoume gestured with his fork. "Who is he?"

"My good friend from Amsterdam. We met at a bar. He noticed I was trying to make some money from playing pool, but he called me out on how bad I was. He told me that he was the same way. Always shaky when sober, and still when drunk. It defies logic, but he said that's why people like us were special."

"Sounds like he was trying to hit on you," Manjoume rolled his eyes.

Judai shrugged. "It worked."

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