Sunset with Regrets

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Judai threw himself on his pathetically stained mattress that the Amari's had offered him. He was too exhausted to cover it with sheets. In his mind, sheets were nothing but a blessing. A blessing he was too tired to deal with.

The room was surprisingly tiny. Smaller than hecould have imagined. However, the fact that it had a bed to lay on and a small dresser to throw some belongings on made all the difference.

"I can't do this," Judai mumbled. Not regarding his room, but rather about his return to Domino.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Kaiser was right. Not only was he right, but he was a firsthand source with experience on exactly what Judai was doing. He was simply telling him all of the things that his friends were too scared to say.

His stomach performed consecutive summersaults, causing Judai to toss and turn in pain. He was experiencing some sort of inner battle with himself. No matter how hard he tried to reason things out, he couldn't decide what he wanted to do.

The thing was, he needed friends. Judai wasn't the type of person who could live without friends. However, it didn't matter who his friends were. He could easily befriend people in another city across the world. The problem that hovered over him was his that he had friends right here in Domino; friends that changed his life. It could bring things full circle if he stayed. He could build with these wonderful people and make a life for himself. If he could just suppress his need to travel, he would be okay.

But did he want to do that? Did he want to miss out on all the possibly wonderful things he could experience in new places? Adapting wasn't a problem. Judai had turned into quite the traveler. It'd be easy for him to leave...easier than it would be to stay. He could make wonderful friends and maybe even fall in love. He already knew what Domino has to offer, so why settle for less when there's so much more?

Judai groaned, clutching his stomach to ease the pain. "What the fuck do I do?"

"What does your heart want, Judai?"

Judai quickly sat up, breathing fast all the while. He rolled his eyes at the sight of Yubel. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave me alone in Granada."

"Yes, you did," Yubel agreed, crossing her arms. "But you haven't really needed me since then. You're on the edge of making a life changing decision, so I'm here for you."

"It turns out every time you're here for me, I end up doing the opposite of what you say."

Yubel laughed. "Well, I'm not here to tell you what to do. I'm just here to listen. Maybe add in a few words of encouragement here and there."

Judai grunted at her words. "Whatever."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "What's your problem, Judai?"

"You are. You, and quite frankly, the whole world."

"Oh, okay. Because everyone's out to get you, is that right? The whole world is trying to make your life a disaster. They're all in on it, except you."

"Yeah, pretty much."

Yubel flailed her arms in disappointment at Judai's response. "Judai, you used to be one of the most selfless people I ever knew."

"You're a trading card, Yubel. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard."

"This is what I'm talking about!" She snarled. "Why are you being cold?"

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