Sunny with a Chance of Pancakes

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"Judai! How are those dishes coming along?"

"Great, Ms. Amari," Judai hollered, attempting to hide his aggravation.

He never liked doing the dishes. In fact, one could say it was his least favorite house hold chore, but for some reason, it was always the one he'd end up doing when it came to bargaining for a place to stay.

"Finish up your load and take a break; someone out there is asking for you."

Judai raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Okay." He scrubbed a few more plates, dodging the little splashes of water that attacked him without warning. He blew back his hair and shuffled his sleeves up a little higher so he could finish a bit faster. Two hours straight of washing dishes takes a toll on a person.

Once he had finished, he washed his hands with warm water and untied the apron from around his waist. He took one of the clean plates he just washed and brought it towards the cook for lunch.

"Hey Judai," the man flashed a smile, flipping eggs with one hand and grabbing a few spices with the other. "Going on break?"

"Yes, Mr. Amari," Judai nodded, watching the cook at work. He had a few stains on his extra-large white shirt, hugging his plump belly rather snuggly. His goatee was one of the most noticeable things about him, along with his wrinkly skin and dull hazel eyes.

"Here you are, then." Mr. Amari cleared his throat, tossing two of the eggs he just cooked onto Judai's plate. "There's some toast in the toaster if you're really hungry."

Judai blinked blankly. Slowly he looked down at his large plate that only had two small eggs resting on it. And of course, the possibility of one or two slices of toast.

"Mr. Amari," Judai sighed, not wanting to confront him on this issue, but knowing it was important. "Call me abnormal or what have you, but I'm a growing young adult...I'm going to need more than two eggs and a couple pieces of toast to hold me over."

Mr. Amari immediately stopped his hand work and looked over at Judai with a questioning glare. His eyes glazed over his body and he ended his investigation with a huff.

"Fine." He turned to his line up crew. "Listen up everyone! Give Judai a portion of what you're making!"

They all nodded, barely distracted by the interruption.

"Go ahead," Mr. Amari gestured.

"Thank you, Mr. Amari."


Judai grinned widely, skipping his way to the lineup and happily watching as the other chefs tossed home fries, bacon, and pancakes onto his plate. After grabbing a glass of milk, he exited the employees' area and entered the dining room.

Apparently someone was waiting for him out there, but Judai didn't spot anyone he recognized. He peeked his head around to a few tables, but no one seemed to realize he was looking for them.

Eventually Judai laid his plate down at an empty table, shrugging off the ordeal and beginning to stab at his eggs.

As if on cue, a person pulled out the chair across from him and sat down. Judai immediately looked up to register the person before him.

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