Chapter 11: Motel Glen Capri

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Walking down the unappealing hallway, I search for door with the number 14 on it. Each door was a different kind of wood. It reminded me of Monsters Inc but if any of those monsters came into my room... Well, they'd be in for a surprise. Let's just say I wouldn't be the one screaming... 

Kai was no where to be seen. Perhaps he'd already found his room. Or he's finding food to eat. I think that's his favorite thing to do... Well, other than being a sociopath...

Finally, I find my room and I jam the key into the keyhole. Opening the door, I see a note. I stop in shock for a minute. It's lying on the fresh bed sheets and from a far distance I can read my name. 

"Wha- What?" I think to myself.

I walk over to the mysterious note, fixed on my thoughts. I hesitate to  pick it up, just in case it had wolfsbane on it. 

Yes, i'm a were-coyote but i still get affected by wolfsbane.

I start to read the note. The writing wasn't as polished as mine but instead all messy and scruffy, making it hard to read. 

Malia Tate,

We hope you enjoy you're stay. Soon you'll be with you're mum and Kylie. 


Wow. Not a surprise that they didn't leave they're identity. I mean even a 4 year old could figure that out. 

"Okay this is freaking me out..."

As soon as I whisper that, the lights start to flicker.

"Oh hell no." I yell.

I run to the door, attempting to get out, but it was solid shut.

"C'mon Malia! You're a were-coyote for god's sake!" 

The room starts to spin around and i can feel myself plumeting to the ground. As i hit the floor, I knock over a coffee table with shattered pieces of glass on it. I stare at the glass and wonder what the hell happening?

"Seriously?" I umphed.

Trying to pick myself off the floor and pair of arms lift me up. I rush my hands to my face. Rubbing my eyes so that I could see... But nothing. Everything was blurry.

"Malia, my dear. This moment is very special to me. I finally get to see you tortured and eventually watch you die."

The voice was familiar but rusty. I'd heard it before but quite a long time ago. 

"Still don't reconise me? Suprising... We have quite the history...."

I look up and the face that was there... I knew it. 

"What do you want?" I ask hesitantly.

"I guess my face is more familiar than the name... well i always knew i had dashing looks." 7

"First of all, It's the 21st Century and no-one says 'dashing' anymore, Second, answer my god-damn question."

As those last words dived off my lips, I charged to him pushing his body against the wall.

"Okay... Little bit too close hmm?" He says in a sarcastic tone.

I shove him bak to the wall again.

"Okay fine..." He 'ughhs'

"Just like any villain would want... I want my revenge. And if you think you're going to beat me... Think again. I'm already feared in Beacon Hills, soon I'll be feared everywhere. But yoy Malia. You're who I really want."

He looks at me, eyes wide and staring directly into mine. They start to change colour. His once precious blue eyes, were now a vibrant red colour. Not the colour of a rose but instead thick, red blood. A villainous smile appears on his face and he starts to laugh.

"It's so good to see you scared for a change! But it's understandable..." He pauses.

I let go of my grip and back away.

"I intend to be a legend." 

One to last (Kai Parker x Malia Tate) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now