Ruby POVFinally it's 5th period, it's almost lunch. See I love 5th period because of social studies but I have the two idiots in my class.
"Today students you will be paired up into a group of four and will do a history timeline. You will have to work with these people and you will also vote on whose house you will work at. I don't care if you don't like these people, you can bond with each other."Mr.Lewis said.
"Ugh."Everyone said.
"Okay the first group is Chloe,Ruby,Caleb,and Logan."He said.
"Fuck my life."I said softly.
We sat in the group and I swear I thought I was going to kill myself. Why did I call them idiots...WOW karma is a bitch. The teacher was still fixing the other groups. I raised my hand my hand and he called on me.
"Yes Ruby."He said.
"Are you trying to kill us with the people we mostly hate."I said.
"Well guess what, we hate you too."Logan said.
I gave Logan the death stare and he turned away as fast as he could before I smack the shit out of him.
"Well I guess if you put it like that then yeah."Mr.Lewis said.
I turned back facing all of them and they all look so mad.
"Okay let's get started."I said.
"I vote for Ruby's house."Logan said.
"Same."Chloe and Caleb said in a unison.
"Really.....Fine I guess."I said.
"We should do the project this week today so we won't have to do anything else the other weeks."Caleb said.
"Yeah I guess we could go to the store after school to buy the supplies."I said.
"Okay fine with me."Chloe said.
The bell rang for lunch and we all ran out the door. We got our lunch and sat in our usual spot. Chloe had forgot to get her milk so she went back in line. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I looked up.
"Luke."I said scared.
"Hey, I need to talk to you outside."He said fast.
I got up and went out of the cafeteria to talk to him.
"So how have you and Chloe been."He said.
"Don't play stupid Luke, you could have just said Chloe and she's fine. She knows that you are here."I said rudely.
Caleb got out of the cafeteria to go to the restroom.
"Hey, I recognize that kid, he was the one that tried to beat me up."He said.
"Yeah cuz he actually has balls to protect us and cares about us."
"Damn that was harsh."
"I got to go back and eat but before I go, I need you to hear me out, move on from Chloe. She is not gonna go back with you so don't even try."
"Yeah I know but you never know we might and so will you and Ben."he said walking away.
I looked away and went back into the cafeteria and eat my food.
"Hey where were you."Chloe said.
"I was talking to Luke."
"What did he say."
"He wants you back but I told him to back off and then he said that you and him will get back together and so will Ben and I as well."
"Wow what a jerk."
We kept talking a little more and started eating. We went back to class and started planning out our projects. The bell rang for 6th period. Yay this day is almost over but we still have the project.
My Neighbor's Best Friend
Roman pour AdolescentsRuby Martinez is a 16 year old girl that has always had a crush on her neighbor best friend Caleb Rodriguez since 8th grade but all changes when her and her best friend Chloe Garcia hangs out with her neighbor Logan Perez and Caleb. Trouble starts t...