Maybe I should leave Gotham for good

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It's been a hard, long, painful week at the hospital. Literally. Pain every single day. Sometimes It's manageable, other times its excruciating. My uncle decided while he was at work he would have Alfred take care of me so I wouldn't be alone and I'd have someone help me get up off the bed or walk somewhere. I had layers upon layers off bandages wrapped around my torso like a corset. I don't know how people used to wear those back then, it made me feel stiff!! I laid on my bed in my room, barely moving, every turn or sudden movement I would make would just cause me to cry.

"Alright (Y/N), I'm back to work at the GCPD, anything else I can get you before I head off?" My uncle asked. I laid back, thinking of anything I might need. "No I don't think so. Thank you Uncle Jim." He came, leaned over me and kissed my forehead. "See you later, I'll be back around 6 okay? Don't make too much of a racket you hear?" He grinned while putting his badge in his pocket. "Yeah sure thing. I'll try to keep things down over here." I played along, chuckling.

As soon as my uncle left the room, Alfred and Bruce sent him off with a bid farewell and entered my room. "Good Morning Miss (Y/N), how are you feeling?" Alfred enthusiastically questioned, "To be completely honest Alfred, I'm in a lot of pain, everything hurts" He brought his hand up to his face, rubbing his chin. "Have you taken your medication yet?" I had to sit and think about it for a minute. I realized I forgot, I know how can you forget, real hilarious. "Actually no." Alfred responded with a good laugh, "Well maybe that would help! Let me go fetch your medication and some water." The moment Alfred left Bruce came to my bedside and sat on the edge of the bed, "I'm so glad you're home", "Me too." I smirked. In a curious tone Bruce suggested, "Maybe when you get better we can go on our real first date, since we're together now." my smile faded, I wasn't sure how long it was going to take me until I could get back on my feet, "What's wrong (Y/N)? Did I say something wrong?" I shot back, "No! I really want to go on this date with you but I don't know how long it would take me to get back to doing regular activities again, it hurts just getting out of bed- I want to go on this date now but this is holding me back-" Bruce interrupted, "I'll wait as long as I have to for you. Don't feel rushed to get better, all that matters is that you recover completely." I felt pure happiness in my heart, "Bruce- you sure do know how to make me feel loved" Bruce blushed. Alfred came at the door, clearing his throat, "Here are your medications (Y/N) and water, took me awhile to find them, I apologize." Now I was a little embarrassed, did Alfred even know Bruce and I were uh... dating? I guess? This was kinda awkward not gonna lie. Alfred carefully helped me sit up more properly so I could swallow my meds, Bruce came rushing to my aid to help me on the other side. "Ready (Y/N)? We'll lift you up on the count of three..." I held my breath and nodded. "One...two...three" Alfred counted down slowly, both helping me rise up. Alfred let go along with Bruce and gave me my medication. I drank some water and flushed down my pill with it. Gulping, I said "Yuck- that was disgusting!". Everyone in the room chuckled.


It just turned 6' o clock, my uncle was home right as he had said for once. Must've been a smooth ride back at the GCPD  today. Today was wonderful, I read my novel, watched a few shows in my room with Bruce, and got to chat with Alfred and Bruce. They were amazing people to be around, I enjoyed their company.. I didn't want them to leave. When I had some alone time today.. I couldn't focus on my novel completely. The persistent thought of Gotham being too dangerous for me continued to pester me. Deciding to share my personal observations with my uncle Jim at the front of the house along with Bruce and Alfred, I decided to get up from my bed to show how serious I was about this dilemma. I tried to get up fast before they left,  I hoped they were all making small talk to buy me some time. I held my breath getting up from the bed,  squishing my face in agony. "Uh- ugh" I let out.  I slowly walk over to the door rim, holding onto anything I could against the wall to help me get to the other side of the room. I eventually made it to the outside now using the walls to help me, I heard a group of voices in the kitchen, all chattering. My back was bending over my legs, I was walking like I was a senior, but I couldn't help it! My torso was on fire!!! "Uncle Jim! "I beamed as I walked into the room, "(Y/N)! What are you doing out of bed! The doctor strictly said to limit your movement as much as possible the next few days!" He shouted at me, Alfred rushed over to bring me a chair to sit in, "Dear, you'll hurt yourself!" Alfred joined in. I sat down with my uncle and Alfred helping lower me into the chair, I sat back holding my torso as it was in so much pain. "Uncle Jim. I've been thinking about something for the past few hours I can't get off of my mind. " He looked back at me, "What?" I turned away then back at him, "Maybe I should leave Gotham for good". 

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