Burgers & Fries with Milkshakes- Oh my!

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(Y/N) POV- 2:49 AM - GCPD- Thursday

We spent the rest of our night at the GCPD,

answering questions,

asking questions,

and watching cult members being thrown in jail as police officers were scrambling to file multiple reports and transport people to Arkham Asylum.

I definitely don't want to be a GCPD police officer or detective like my uncle after seeing all the behind the scenes work.  I struggled to keep my eyes open, my stomach rumbled like an earthquake from being hungry. I put my head into my arms on the table taking a big sigh.  

"Ready to go (Y/N)? I'm just about done, have to finish typing a sentence or two for a report then we're done for the night." My uncle Jim informed me

"Uh huh." I mumbled under my breath, he patted my back, then went back to work.


I thought long and hard about the events that occurred last night, What would happen after this? How would that affect Bruce and I? Is Bruce okay? How is he taking this in? I hadn't seen him in a few hours after he was taken in for questions.

"You still up for food?" I heard my uncle's voice whisper towards me.

My head immediately shot up at the thought of food.


"Well that woke you up (Y/N)!" My uncle grinned.

"I'M ALWAYS UP FOR FOOD!" I sprang up from the chair and desk and headed outside. I looked behind me and found him chuckling at the way I changed emotions for food.

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(Y/N) POV-3:09 AM- Burger Haven

The whole GCPD that was apart of this case joined us in a late, LATE night snack of hamburgers, fries, and milkshakes for all the hard work that was put in tonight.

"We have a cheese burger deluxe-" my uncle motioned his hand up to show that belonged to him, "A Number 3 with lettuce, ketchup, and mustard?" I raised my hand, and got served. I touched the burger slightly feeling the warmth soak in my skin. "Mind if we join ya for some late dinnaah?" Alfred questioned with Bruce by his side, giving a slight smile. "Of course Alfred!" My uncle and I scooted in to our chairs to give them space to sit where they pleased.

I dug into my meal, and allowed each tastebud to feel satisfied with every delicious spice and flavor I ate. Ahh It was absolutely delicious! I didn't notice I was making faces of satisfaction and pure joy while eating my burger until I heard the people around me aka ALFRED, MY UNCLE JIM, and BRUCE burst out into laughter. I opened my eyes from being closed and finished chewing, "What did I do?". "Enjoying your dinnah Miss?" Alfred giggled a little, "YES!!! It's delicious! But of course not as delicious as your home cooked meals Alfred!" I added before indulging myself into another bite."You never fail to make me laugh Miss Gordon." Alfred complemented me, I felt my cheeks blush, it was amazing to know that I made someone else smile and feel even one second of happiness.  An unexpected idea popped into my head. "Alfred.. Do you think you could teach me how to fight like you're teaching Bruce how to fight?" I blurted out while everyone was still eating, "(Y/N) I'm not so sure that-" My uncle interrupted, wiping his face with a napkin, "Not a problem Detective, I'd love to teach the girl some tricks of the trade". I beamed with happiness, noticing Bruce grinning at me than going back to eating his meal. "You seemed to have some fighting moves back there (Y/N)" Bruce noted, I gave one loose laugh, "Well, I tried mimicking whatever I've seen in those action movies, clearly it didn't work at all" I let out a few more chuckles. "Well it had to have worked (Y/N)-" My uncle stated, "You both are here safe and-". I interrupted  "It was Bruce that saved us, really. I'm just a mess, a little training from Alfred and I think I could be just as good at fighting as Bruce... perhaps even a little better." I teased. "(Y/N) you did really good for not knowing much about fighting." Bruce insisted. I thanked him and finished off my meal.

Whenever I learn how to fight,

I'll have what it takes to live here in Gotham.

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Jerome's POV- 3:30 AM

I laid out my plans to the remaining people I still had hanging around with me,

I felt a few belly laughs come out from within me, I watched (Y/N) Gordon and Bruce sitting at their table at Burger Haven eating happily and peacefully, enjoying each other's presence. I had been stalking them for the past hour and a half. Oh how it sickened me.

"Alrighty guys.... I don't know when.... I don't exactly know how... but when the time comes... THE RIGHT TIME.... We will find ourselves in battle against Bruce Wayne. In the midst of all that-" I stopped myself to glance over at (Y/N) one more time, "We will finally retrieve (Y/N) back and this time....She'll want to stay with us."

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(A/N)- How did you guys like the mini-read? Would you like for me to include mini reads for further chapters? Let me know here what you think! Thank you all so much for reading this chapter! I love you all!!! <3

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So for the July/ Mid August Schedule this year I decided I will be posting every Tuesday & Wednesday (some Thursday's), but mainly Tuesday and Wednesday's. I know I kind of threw it off posting today but I absolutely could NOT wait to share this part of the story with you!! Thank You for your continuous support, and sticking with me :)

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