A Suprising Case

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(Y/N) POV- The GCPD- Thursday Early Evening- 5:23 PM

I was unfortunately given the task of organizing my uncle's cases in alphabetical and date sequence. The more I continued to shuffle through all the paperwork, the more I wondered if this pile of paperwork would ever END! Suddenly a rush of crazy civilians dressed oddly were handcuffed or dragged in by the GCPD. Jim and Harvey had a hold of one guy with a dark red shirt underneath a raven black denim jacket. I got up from my chair confused and a little worried about what was going on. I stood there panning my head in all directions as I held a file folder in my hand. Jim took the man down a dim hallway then came right back around to the desk I was now sitting at.

"Do you happen to have another manilla folder with some Printer paper I can jot down notes on?" he asked sternly.

"Uh yeah- just finished organizing that part of your desk." I reached down to a lower part of his desk cabinet, pulled out the drawer, handing him his needed supplies.

"Thanks-I need those cases filed faster! We're about to add a whole lot more to that pile (Y/N)." he ordered, pointing his folder at me, then leaving to go take care of business.

My back immediately slumped down in the chair as I let out loud groan. I dropped my head on the desk shortly realizing that the desk was not made out of soft material but cold hard metal. "Ow." I whispered into the table.

After giving my head a few moments to recollect itself after taking a hard hit on the desk, being bored I looked at the folder I had been holding these past few minutes...

"Possible Jerome Valeska Cult- ONGOING INVESTIGATION" the small tab read.

Why would anyone want to start a cult about a crazy dead guy?!

Even though this was private information I decided to open the folder filled with few papers.

Shuffling through papers I saw multiple bolded headlines saying,

Suspected Leader of Cult: Dwight Pollard

New information: ______________

Possible Motives- "To finish what Jerome started after his appearance on television invading the GCPD."

Leads: _______________

I shut the folder before I furthered anymore deeper. Oh my goodness. Why didn't my uncle say anything about this to me? A Jerome Valeska cult? What if somehow they want to come after me or Bruce? I was about to fix this communication problem between my uncle and I. Secrets cannot be kept from me!!! I twiddled my thumbs as I began to reorganize the rest of the cases before he threw another stack on top.


(Y/N) POV- GCPD 8:56 PM

"Alright! You ready to roll (Y/N)?" Jim sighed as he walked over to the desk, rattling his car keys around in his fist.

I was just gonna cut right to the chase, "When did this whole Jerome Cult begin?"


"Really when!? I had just so happened to had found a file about a possible cult being formed off of the infamous Jerome Valeska while organizing your files today-"

"Look (Y/N) I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry about it-"

"Well what I am worried about is our communication Uncle Jim! I would've love to have known rather than be in the dark-" I crossed my arms,

"(Y/n) listen.."

"It's fine...I just hope you'll inform me from now on Uncle Jim...I'll be in the car", I muttered and strutted my way outside of the GCPD.

Jim's POV

I can't do anything right can I?

"Hey buddy ready to go grab a bite with the kiddo? I'm thinkin' burgers and fries!" Harvey beamed from the other side of the room, making his way to where I was.

My neck lifted my head up, looking at the ceiling as I exhaled.

"What's wrong Jim?"

"(Y/N).. She's upset because I didn't tell her about the Jerome Cult."

"Ahhh Jim... She's just a teenager, she'll get over it. Buy her an ice cream, she'll forgive you" Harvey patted my back and waved his arm to motion me into getting out of the GCPD.


A/N- Anndddd you do end up forgiving your Uncle Jim and work it out together yay!! Back to the good ol times with Jim! Whohooo!! Have I mentioned already, I'm extremely excited for the next few chapters?! CAUSE I AM!!!

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