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  “You know, I recommend the prawns,” the boy said, grinning “Fresh from District 4.”

 “D-do I know you?” I stuttered, thrown by his reappearance. I tried to settle my features into a neutral expression.

 “I think you’d recognise a blue haired boy in District 13, don’t you?” the boy replied. How does he know about my origin? How can he even know about 13?

 “There were three things that tipped me off,” he replied, lowering his voice as he read my mind “Firstly, your nails. Not only are they in an atrocious state, but you and your companion are the only people in the Capitol who don’t have these.” He shoved his nails in front of my face, showing me the extravagant diamonds studded over the surface of each and every nail. My heart thudded painfully in my chest. He knew. But he wasn’t yet finished. “Everyone has these nails. Everyone. Secondly, here in the Capitol, it is not unusual for strangers to come and sit with you, especially for lunch. In fact, I’d say it’s common. So your reaction just made you stand out like a sore thumb. Thirdly…what were you thinking? Wearing orange on a Wednesday? Wednesdays, we wear blue!”

 I must have looked like a frightened rabbit, but the boy just laughed.

 “I’m kidding with the last one,” he said “But really. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I’m not going to hurt you, or tell anyone. I just want to talk to you.”

 I leaned forward, frowning “Uh, yeah, you’re going to talk! How the hell do you know about 13?” I hissed.


 Elliott was stood next to the table, mask completely slipping as he glared at the boy. The boy grinned and waved to him good naturedly.

 “What the hell is going on?” Elliott hissed. The boy with the blue hair suddenly leapt to his feet and pulled Elliott into a hug. I blinked, wondering if I was seeing things. When the boy pulled away, he grabbed Elliott’s hand and threw it into the air.

 “Everyone!” he shouted “We’ve got a birthday boy over here! Let’s give him the Capitol welcome he deserves!”

 There came a huge whoop and then from nowhere, a huge group of men who strongly resembled peacocks in their feathered attire scooped Elliott up like a baby and carried him away, singing something about celebration as they left. I could feel my mouth gaping, and discreetly covered it with my hand. Grinning, the boy slipped back into his seat.

 “I had to get him out the way. He was going to cause a problem,” he explained “Man, that was fun. It’s been ages since I’ve been able to do that. One of the things I’ll miss about the Capitol, I guess.”

 “Where are they taking him? And what do you mean you’ll miss?”

 “They’re taking him to the Birthday Bar,” the boy chuckled, casually scanning a menu “Let’s just say he’ll return drunk. Very drunk.”

 “You haven’t answered my other question,” I pointed out, when it became evident he wasn’t going to provide one.

 “So demanding for answers,” the boy sighed “Wouldn’t you just like to relax a while, order a drink-”

 Catching a glimpse at my expression, he shut his mouth sharpish, holding back a chuckle.

 “You District folk are so serious,” he said.

 “Do you blame us?” I snapped “This stops now. You’ll give me answers, or I’ll slit your throat. Your choice.”

 The boy didn’t appear to be fazed. He simply lowered his menu to the table and clasped his hands together in front of him on the table.

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