The Rescue

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 “This is it, boys. Everything you’ve been training for…this is why.”

 I stood before my trainees. So much had changed since I took charge of them. Instead of their usual District 13 attire, they were all dressed in protective clothing for the mission ahead. Bullet proof vests. Black, sturdy boots. Each of them held a black helmet under their arm, given to them not only to protect them from head trauma, but also fitted with microphones and earpieces to communicate with me, gas masks and a nightlock pill that could be torn from just in front of their lips should they be taken in for questioning. I knew it was possible any of us would be. In fact, I was certain that if we weren’t successful that day, we’d all be in for worse than questioning. It’ll be better to end it with a pill than torturing I thought.

 Even in their new outfits, my boys looked like just that. Boys. That hadn’t changed. They weren’t ready for the mission, I knew that. But Coin insisted they needed field experience, and I knew that arguing with her was dangerous, and it wouldn’t even get me anywhere. So I shut my mouth and endured the looks of fear on the boy’s faces. Because there was nothing else I could do.

  The mission’s purpose was simple: get Peeta Mellark. The process itself was not easy. Not in the slightest. I hadn’t been part of drawing up the plan, but I’d seen it several times. It was complicated, and mostly up to Beetee Latier and his team, who’d be working from inside 13 to initiate power failures in the Capitol and destroy security systems. It was our job, as soldiers, to actually get inside the Capitol prison and release Katniss Everdeen’s sweetheart. No one complained, but I know people were bitter. We were all risking our lives for one boy we didn’t even know. But we knew what he meant. He meant the upkeep of the revolution. We needed him to keep the Mockingjay going. The rebellion meant enough to us that we were willing to die for him, even if not happily so. But we kept our mouths shut.

 Or most of us did.

 “Why should we have to go?” Zach growled “What is Mellark to us?”

 “He’s everything to us,” I replied calmly “He is the reason we’re even standing up in the first place. Him and Katniss are the rebellion. And he’s innocent. He’s done nothing wrong.”

 “Neither have we, and still we’re putting out lives on the line,” Zach retorted. I sighed, and the others watched as I moved towards him, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

 “It’s okay to be scared,” I told him.

 “I’m not.”

 “Yes you are. And that’s what’ll keep us alive today. That, and team work.” I stepped away from him again and looked around at the others. Ronan and Alexius were the only ones who seemed ready to go. The others all looked downcast and afraid.

 “Today is a hard day for everyone,” I told them “But there’s nothing we can do now, but survive. I believe in you all. I know that no matter what happens today, you’ll do me proud. Chins up, boys. Today is the day you prove to everyone that you are good men. Good, kind, brave men. Screw everyone who ever said otherwise. You’re all heroes in my eyes. And when we come home with Peeta Mellark, no one will be able to argue otherwise. Are we ready?”

 The boys nodded, looking a little more inspired. Zach raised a hand and saluted me.

 “Thank you, Soldier Verona-Grey. We owe you a lot,” Zach said. I grinned at him.

 “Let’s not get all soppy, now. This isn’t a goodbye. We’re all going together, and we’re coming out of there together. OK?”

 Everyone nodded.

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