Beneath the Surface

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 The next day, Finch was quiet at breakfast. I tried to coax conversation from him, but his head was bowed over his sludge coloured food, his eyes not meeting mine. Occasionally, he’d glance around the room nervously. I tried to follow his eye line, but found no clue as to what his fear was.

 “What’s wrong?” I asked eventually “You’re scaring me.”

 And he was. I’d never seen him so quiet. Not even at his trial when he first arrived. Something was wrong. Seriously wrong. I leant across the table.

 “Tell me,” I told him quietly, but firmly. I felt his hand fumble for mine under the table, but still, he didn’t look up.

 “Have you seen them?” he whispered.


 “The Capitol people.”

 I shook my head, confused. Then alarm took over “What? There are spies? An attack? What?”

 “No. Nothing like that. I…I was cleaning the hospital wing. And…there were three of them. Being treated. They were definitely from the Capitol. They had dyed skin. Nurse Everdeen said they’d been locked up. For stealing bread. They were Katniss Everdeen’s stylists during the Games.”

 I nodded sympathetically. Inside, I was angry, because I knew it must have been Coin’s doing. But I didn’t understand why Finch looked so scared.

 “There’s something more?” I pushed gently. Finch finally looked up at me, his eyes watery.

 “Karissa…we both know who did this. We both know how much she hates the Capitol. I feel…what if she’s watching me? Just waiting for me to step out of line-”


 “-she could do the same to me, or worse! She only needs a reason, sweetheart. A little tiny reason. And then it could all be over. I’m not just scared for me. I’m scared for you, and your family. You’re as much in jeopardy as I am.”

 Finch let go of my hand under the table, as though even his touch was dangerous for us. And maybe it was “How do you think this will effect everyone? Coin and your mother…they’ve never got along. Elliott was always a problem for Coin while he was here. And you and your Uncle Drew…you always stir up trouble for her, one way or another. How do you think she’s going to feel when she discovers how close you and I really are?” Finch chewed his nail nervously “Your father is the only one not guilty in her eyes, but you know he’d do anything to protect your mother. If I go down, everyone else does too. We have to lie low, Karissa. OK? No more arguments with Coin. I don’t want you getting hurt. It’s getting too dangerous.”

 I nodded to comfort him, but I knew something had to be done. What Finch never grasped was that our family had always been in danger. Nothing had changed on the arrival of the three Capitol stylists. Not for us at least. Coin had always had it in for us. But there was only one person who could fix it for us. And that was me.

 After all, I was the only one Coin put her trust in. Not because she wanted to, but because she needed me. Especially with Elliott gone, I was the one she could rely on to get things done. And if it meant me sucking up to her further and obeying some rules to protect everyone, I knew I’d do it. But things didn’t quite turn out the way I planned.

 Coin took me out of training that day again, and I knew that this time, something was wrong. When we went to her office, it was just me and her. I sat down, looking up at her expectantly. She didn’t speak for a long while and she didn’t sit down. She didn’t pace, and I wished she would. I hated the way she stood perfectly still, rigid and poised for attack. I waited for her to say something, my heart beating hard against my ribs. Finally, she turned to me and took a step closer. I was beginning to regret sitting down. She towered over me, eyes blazing.

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