Chapter 5

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Kairi woke up with the horrendously fuzzy feeling of a hangover. She looked around and was happy to see she was in her bed alone. Not that she often woke up with the company of strange men, but it wouldn't be completely crazy to think of it. Sometimes she was perfectly capable of pretending to be a bona-fide human being. Some times she felt comfortable in her own skin.

This was not one of those times. Right now, she was horrified of her own skin. It felt like sandpaper coated her body, grating against her nerve endings, and coating all the way down her throat. She grazed her hand across her face slowly, the skin feeling slack and papery. She reflexively closed her eyes again, groaning lightly and hating her poor decision making skills. Bad clothes, bad shoes, too much to drink – what a mess! She slowly pushed herself up from her stomach, onto her elbows and then hands and knees.

Big mistake.

She felt her stomach lurch with the sour sick feeling of being ridiculously empty and yet so acidic it would start to eat away at her from the inside at any moment. She paused for a bit, trying to let her swimming thoughts solidify before she felt like moving and puking again. She stood very slowly and tentatively made her way to her bathroom where a shaky hand turned on the faucet to gulp down some water and a few Ibuprofen tablets. She scratched at her head and yanked down the t-shirt that was barely covering the tops of her bikini briefs and made her way to her closed bedroom door. She opened it slowly and with squinting, unfocused eyes she took her first step, only to tumble over a large, furry lump.

From her hands and knees she looked back at Appa who was sleepily wagging his tail at her, completely unfazed by her small frame toppling over him,"What in the hell Appa?" She slowly climbed to her feet, staring at the dog who was lying protectively at her door jamb. "Why are you lying there?"

"I believe he is there to ensure that I would not approach you during the night."

Kairi looked shocked for a second, wondering how Appa had suddenly learned to speak, and why he was speaking in such a proper, English manner. Many times she imagined he had a voice, but she usually heard Gerard Butler, Sean Connery. Maybe even David Tennant. She realized that there was a pattern evolving... She shook her head and stared at the dog again, she was not surprised at the low timbre of his voice. He was an awesome dog, of course he'd have a sexy voice. She shrugged, a 'not bad' impression on her face.

Then, her hung over brain finally caught up with her. The low, sexy voice, was actually coming from behind her. Of course Appa did not speak – though that development would ensure she'd never need another human companion or ever have a need to go outside ever again. She turned slowly on her heels, Appa still at her feet, glaring slightly at the form sitting straight and unmoving in her favorite chair, her laptop open before him. The tall, gaunt man, his haunting eyes and unsmiling face was a horror to behold so early in the morning and with so little mental faculties.

She glared at the man, sitting in a full suit, his jacket draped over the back of her favorite chair, looking as fresh as a daisy, all bright and aware so early in the morning. And there she was, her hair a mess, her mouth tasted like an ashtray and she was only clad in her -

That was when she shrieked, scaring the living hell out of Appa and even Sherlock Holmes who just minutely jumped, his eyes widening in the slightest way as she jumped behind her door frame and stuck her head out.

"It doesn't matter much to me what you are wearing." Holmes said non nonchalantly, "I was already present for your disrobing last night when we arrived at your home after a most indulgent night of frivolities." He spat sarcastically.

"NOMYGOD" Kairi groaned, hitting her head against the door jamb and instantly regretting it. "WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" She shrieked again, Appa sitting patiently beside her, his tail almost wagging.

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