Chapter 26

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There's been a new development. We should meet. - MH

Sherlock glanced at his phone, yawning heavily as he placed it down softly and went back to his prior activity. Kairi. She was asleep, heavily, in his arms. They were in 221B today, with Appa resting at the foot of the bed. They would occasionally go back and forth between their two residences, offering up time between for solitude from one another. He was greatly appreciative of Kairi's need for alone time. As much as he cared for her, sentiment was not always the most prominent thought in his mind. She had also admitted that time away from him kept her from violent acts against his ocassional thoughtless diatribe. The thought made him smile just slightly.

Over the past week or so, Kairi had been receiving visits from his psychologist associate, Dr. Arnold Sherman. Knowing the Holmes family for as long as he did, he came to meet with Kairi in her home as a favor to him. They had met every day and spent a little over an hour talking and helping Kairi with her psychological wounds.

Dr. Sherman was an interesting sort of psychologist. He was very current in his studies, especially dealing with trauma and the stress of general to dramatic life events. He had an approach that was not quite common, but certainly gaining ground. Kairi had been skeptic of him at first, but as her relationship with Dr. Sherman progressed, she educated herself on his techniques, and eventually she had begun to be more open to different aspects of healing. She was not a naturopath, nor hokey in her understanding of the human brain - her sister had a very scientific grasp of human brain function so that probably helped - so the idea of traditional talk therapy seemed relatively pointless to her. She had discussed the therapy option with Heather who had some research under her belt for the more intensive therapy type and had admitted to it being a good idea. Also, she couldn't shake the fact that if Sherlock had been friendly with the doctor then he was probably very good at what he did. Sherlock did not associate with mediocrity. For her own good and since she was afraid of rebounding into her pit of despair, she continued with the therapy and ended up enjoying her meetings with Dr. Sherman. Sherlock could already see the difference in her eyes. In the past week, she seemed more alive, being able to discuss the dark going ons in her mind with someone who understood.

He was brought back to the present, as Kairi shifted in his arms, arching her naked body against him as she dreamt. He felt a smile threaten his lips and desire curled within his chest as he gazed down at her, looking foolish, yet somehow delicious in perfect peace.

He decided to put off Mycroft for the moment, leaning down and placing a kiss on Kairi's shoulder which made her stir.

He continued with his mouth, gently plying at her skin as she moaned awake, reaching her arm up to indulge her fingers in his dark curls. He enjoyed the sensation of her fingers tugging at his hair and he felt himself react rather quickly to her movements.

He heard her chuckle as his growing erection pressed into her, "Well good morning to you too." She mumbled sleepily.

"Is this an acceptable form of waking you?" He growled against her skin, taking it gently between his teeth as his fingers moved across her breasts and down her stomach.

She sort of chuckled at that, letting out the tiniest gasp as his fingers found her wetness, "I don't know you'll need to convince me." She replied, pretending to be bored.

Sherlock rolled her over instantly, crushing her body beneath his as he pressed his pelvis into hers, "I do love a challenge."

Kairi laughed as his kisses extended down her neck and to her breasts. His mouth took in a nipple, biting down gently as his hands roamed her skin.

He was excited for her acceptance of his advance. It had only been in the past couple days that she had was willing to be sexual again. Sherlock of course, didn't mind. He was not an overtly sexual creature, but the effect that Kairi had on him behind closed doors - and dare he admit out in public - was one that he frequently had to control. The first few times were nerve wracking for them both, but they took it slow and enjoyed each other, reconnecting on an emotional and physical level. They were quickly becoming proficient lovers.

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