Chapter 13

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"So how long do you think you'll be gone?" Molly asked quietly, nervously.

Kairi was rearranging her paltry possessions in a suitcase she had been living out of for the past month. Appa was lying down at the foot of Molly's couch, his head lolling on Molly's favorite pillow. Kairi looked up at Molly, who looked sad. "I don't know Molly. I have to see if I can learn anything from my mother or the police in the states."

"Then you agree with -," Molly paused, remembering it was in bad taste to mention the "S" word, "You think that its all connected?"

Kairi sighed heavily, folding her clean tank top with great care. "I don't know, I don't know what to think. That letter, the spiders... What my," Her voiced cracked, "Mother did to that woman... Its all too strange to be a coincidence. My mom would never do something like that. Even in her most confusing, angriest moments... She'd never been violent. Not this way..." Kairi closed her eyes tightly, gripping the now rustled tank top in her fingers.

Molly let out the tiniest squeak of an apology, "I didn't mean-,"

Kairi looked up at Molly, smiling sheepishly, "Oh Molly, you don't need to say anything. I know what you mean. You've been so great to me."

Molly chuckled, "I just..." She paused, "I'll miss you."

Kairi chuckled, "You'll miss me squatting in your living room? Taking up space and eating all of your food?"

Molly chuckled, "Be fair. You've been paying for groceries. Its technically your food."

Kairi smiled back at her, "I'll miss you too Molly, but its just a little holiday, I'm not going to stay forever."

Kairi walked to the bathroom and gathered her belongings. She tried to be meticulous about it, cleaning up as she went along. She wasn't a messy person in any way, but she knew she was in someone else's home and she respected that. Molly was meticulous, like Kairi was, and it was a joy to be in a home so very clean and to feel safe. Maybe not as safe, but safe none the less. No one could get to Kairi with Appa still around. She finished gathering her toiletries, packing them away in her small tote. She had a ridiculous amount of make up for someone who really didn't do much with it. Either way, she packed it all away as if it were a treasured belonging. Its nice to have at least something to hide behind.

As she went out to Molly's living room she smiled as she watched Molly, sitting on the floor with Appa's head in her lap. She was rubbing his head, the spot between his eyes, very gently. Appa's eyes were closed in bliss, his mouth wide in a smile, and his tongue lolling to the side. He adored Molly. If Kairi had any sense of sanity, she would suggest he stay with Molly during her trip. Getting on the plane was always a hassle with good old Appa. His paperwork was immaculate, his shots all up to date, and he was registered as a therapy dog, so he could ride in fuselage with the rest of the passengers and not in the cargo hold. Still, there were always sideways glances, upset mumblings and such, but Appa surely ignored it, then so could she.

"When's your flight?" Molly asked, trying to seem like she was petting Appa's head absently.

"6:30 pm, I believe." Kairi smiled tossing her toiletry bag into her suitcase and zipping it up.

Molly did her awkward throat clearing thing while petting Appa.

"Yes Molly?" Kairi smiled, looking at Molly sideways.

"Well, erm..." Molly started, rubbing Appa's ears more vigorously now, "I know its not my place or anything, but have you, erm..." She paused again, Kairi knew what she was trying to ask, "Have you talked to Mycroft?" Molly chickened out.

Kairi tried not to look too upset, "Yes, I did. He's given me a terrifying laptop for my trip. I hope I can get through customs without too much hassle. Its completely black, completely sleek and ominous looking." Kairi reformed her smile and turned to Molly completely, "Its all been taken care of."

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