Chapter 27

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Kairi was sitting in with Dr. Sherman at the moment and Sherlock was buzzing with boredom. John and Sherlock had just finished a case the day before and Sherlock felt like his insides were clawing at his skin to escape the mundane nothingness inside of his mind. He had an idea for an experiment, observing the effect of heat and/or open flame on scalp tissue, but he had half a mind to realize just how upset Mrs. Hudson would be if he began burning human flesh in the flat. He frowned slightly, wondering if an analogue, such as pig skin would render exact, or at least comparable results. With a huff he stood from his current position, lying down on the couch like a damsel in a chaise lounge in the heat of an appalachian summer. He smiled a little wickedly, glancing at his blogger who was busy typing up the previous case. Sherlock tried to walk past him in a hurry.

"Mmmm, what is it you're doing?" John mumbled, focused intently on his screen.

Sherlock rolled his eyes, "It would behoove you to learn to type properly if you wish to remain a professional blogger." The words were laced with disdain, how some people would probably say serial killer or axe murderer. Of course, in comparison, Sherlock said those worlds like most people would say puppies, kittens and unicorns.

"Piss off." John growled and Sherlock continued to walk away, hoping his blogger remained distracted. John cleared his throat and Sherlock could hear the sound of him adjusting in his chair, "No seriously, what are you planning?"

Sherlock tried to remain aloof, "Planning? Nothing at all." Sherlock busied himself, flipping his fingers through the pages of a book that was lying close enough to grab.

John rolled his eyes, "Don't lie to me, you git, you're practically vibrating with excitement. You didn't get a text, no new cases on the blog, and you're smiling. That means you're up to something."

Sherlock looked at himself in the mirror. Damn, he had the slightest grin on his face. He replaced it with his usual stoic slab and looked back at John, "Better?" He tried to sound haughty.

John laughed a little, "No, your eyes are twinkling. Like a damn fairy."

Sherlock actually frowned this time and looked at himself in the mirror again, seeing no flash or illumination coming from his eyes, "John, I do not see what it is your referencing. I assume if my eyes had some sort of supernatural illumination, you'd be under the impression I was possessed."

"You idiot." John grumbled exhaustedly. "You're up to something. Think of a new experiment?"

Sherlock tried not to keep his eyes from shifting, he hated when John would read him so easily. It was unfortunate that John was so adept at reading body language and social cues. Sherlock was sure he rarely exhibited normal societal cues, but John had been quick to learn the affronting detective's behaviors. "No." He had hesitated too long.

John just smiled, exasperated, "You're not doing another bloody experiment here."

Sherlock's frown deepened, "I believe this is also my flat. I have a right to do what I please."

John chuckled, "Not if you're going to desiccating human flesh or some god awful thing."

Sherlock paused, "It doesn't have to be human flesh."

John put a hand to his forehead, looking disgusted, "I don't want animal flesh in here either!"

Sherlock scowled at him, "John, we eat animal flesh constantly. I believe your sandwich there has turkey flesh as well as some pork flesh. How is it any different if I use such flesh for my experiments?"

"Do you plan on eating it after?" John smiled.

Sherlock scowled and looked disgusted, thinking about cannibalizing a freshly cooked human scalp, "Absolutely not."

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