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She wasn't like the others. She was special. Emily. The only worker in the whole Asylum that actually treated the patients with respect. Only 17 years old. The Asylum had to hire young women. No one really knew why, but there are some theories. Either the Asylum wanted young girls to please the patients/other employees sexually, or they wanted them for a better work ethic. Everyone agreed on the first theory. The Asylum was named after the daughter of the founder "Carolina De La Treca Mental Institution" or the CDT. At first, CDT started off as a hospital, but with so many patients comming in because of troubles they had mentally not physically, it was renamed. CDT is the most famous mental hospital in a town called "Mileleio". It is known for their 'different' patients of ages mostly 3 to 45. Only people that couldn't be in a normal mental hospitals came to CDT. People that couldn't be around others. They would cut their peers, just get into TOO many fights with everyone, and sometimes, just sometime, they'd make the employees themselves need to be placed in an Insane Asylum. The patients that are placed in CDT don't usually make it out. That is their home. Either they haven't been cured or their family completley forgets about them. But there are treatments for these sort of situations, and these treatments are placed by the phsycholigists. There are many psychologists working for CDT but when a patient can't work with any of these doctors, they are taken to the only psychologist that has helped only the worst of the worst. Doctor Kennedy (whose asistant is Emily). They have been tackling the most horrendous patients. Everyone with a different way of life. A different story, a different mental state.

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