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They just stare at eachother and the elvator doors suddendly open. Everyone in the elevator's view just freezes. It's like time suddendly stops. Out of nowhere, walking right between the crowds, pops in Lia
"Emily, you found him! Thank goodness" she says, breathing hard. "Yep, I did." Emily says a little bit anxious with all the eyes looking at her. "Emily?" A mysterious soft yet low voice says from the back of the room. The crowd slowly spreads apart to reveal no other than Doctor Kennedy. "Yes, Doctor?" Emily says a little bit startled. "Please bring him to my office, and hold his hand, he seems a little bit..." the Doctor pauses and with his pointer finger he pushes his glasses up to his face until he says the last word in his sentence "unstabble." With that, the Doctor turns around and walks off. Everyone's eyes quickly roll back to Emily and Robert, but this time Emily's anxiety exits her body and with a plain face, she grabs Roberts hand and walks off. After being away from the crowd, the hallways became very quite. These halls are usually very silent, if you where to scream, no one could hear you. There where so many twists and turns to the Doctor's office, but Emily already got used to the silence of the route. There was so much awkwardness in the air though, it was very uncomfortable, until Emily felt Robert move his hand. They where holding hands, palm to palm, but Robert managed to moved it so that their fingers could intertwine:

 They where holding hands, palm to palm, but Robert managed to moved it so that their fingers could intertwine:

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Emily felt a sudden rush of mixed emotions that she couldn't possibly explain "Umm, kid... what are you doing?". "It's more comfortable this way... don't you want me to be comfortable?" He says tilting his head to look at her. Her reply was a nervous chuckle, "That's so funny, how you use things your own way" she sarcasticly adds. "Well, to be a good player, you need to learn the game right. Can't walk in the battlefield with a blind view" he says, holding her hand tighter. 'What the fuck is he talking about?' Emily thought out loud. "Hey, nuns can't speak foul words" Robert says with a chuckle. Emily ignored him and Robert noticed it so he grabbed her by her cheeks, causing her to turn her head and forcefully face him. "Don't ignore me, babygirl..." he says in a very low voice, leaning in a little closer to her. Emily's cheeks got warmer, she got hotter, and the tension got stronger but she managed pulling through. "Don't tell me what to do... babyboy" she says, and starts walking faster. They make the last turn, finally infront of Doctor Kennedy's door. Before Emily could knock, Robert took the hand that he was holding, twirled her and put his arm behind her neck, yet still holding her hand, he puts the other hand on her waist, making Emily face him, "Did you really think you where gonna get the last word? I think the fuck not, but I have to admit..." he pauses, and looking from her eyes, his pupils wonder down to scan her lips and he says, "you're a feisty one." Emily's mouth flew open to say something slick, but she heard the knob rattle so she quickly stepped away from Robert like nothing happend and Doctor K. opened the door. "Doctor, I was just about to knock" Emily says sighing. "Of course you where, come on in guys" he says walking in. Both of them walk inside, Emily closing the door behind her. Doctor Kennedy's office was extremely neat. The floor had small white tiles, the walls painted light grey. His desk was on one corner and the only things on it where five pencils, (yellow, blue, purple, green, red) on the left side, a notebook on the center, and water on a plastic cup on the right side. The sofa was on the other corner of the room and in the middle was a wooden chair. Robert decided to sit on the wooden chair. Emily looked at Robert a bit confused, then she looked at Doctor Kennedy, the Doctor realized Emily was starring and looked over at Robert sitting on his chair. "You're comfortable, Robert?" The Doctor asks grabbing the green pen, the notebook, and opening up to a fresh page. "As comfortable as I'll ever be, Doc" he replies with a big smile. "Would you like a glass of water, Robert?" Doctor K. asks sitting on the couch.

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