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Emily walked through every single hall in the Asylum. About three hours go by and no one has found this kid. But before Emily could just give up and hope for the best, she went to the final room in the Asylum. Room 19T. There where more than 22 floors to this Asylum but room number 19T was one of the scariest rooms. A woman named Maragarot was in that room and she is the oldest staying person in the Asylum. She was there before the employment of Emily. Brung in at age 13 for murdering her sister and two brothers when they where all located in the same Asylum. She said she murdered them because she wanted the love of their parents all to herself. When she came to the Asylum, age 15, she was very unstable. Nothing could really calm her down. She would scream at night. She scratched the walls so much that her nails came off, but she didn't stop which caused her to damage the tips of her fingers. After about 4 years when she turned 19, the psychologists realized they couldn't treat her whatsoever, so the Asylum took her to Doctor Kennedy. After that one treatment with Kennedy, she walked out the room with a book on her hand and as quiet as ever. That night she actually went to sleep wothout any yelling or scartching, and with the book next to her. She took her medications everyday with the book never leaving her side. She made such a big improvement, yet the Docotor Kennedy did not feel like she was still ready to leave. Then, the day came when Emily was employed. Everything was fine until the day Maragarot snapped. When she turned 32, a younger patient took her book and hid it. No one knows how the child actually got thier hands on the precious item, but Maragarot blacked out and choked the child, almost bit her. That was until Emily found the book (and other valuable items) under the floor board. When she returned it to Maragarot, she mouthed the words "Thank you" and ran straight to her room. From that day on she has not let anyone in her room. She hasn't spoken to anybody. She had a little window on her door, where you can slide anything through, so she only took her medications, ate her food, and continued holding a tight grip on the book. Still, nobody knows what in that book is so important to this one patient. Since so many years have passed by wothout Maragarot leaving her room, no one knows what she looks like, she hasn't showed her face in a very long time, but now Emily's going to find out. She walked the long corridor, the door at the end of the hall. She grabbed the cross that was on her neck and started praying:

"You are our keeper, O Lord, the

shade on our right hand.


us from all evil and keep our

soul. Guard our going out and

our coming in. From this time

and forever. In Jesus' name,


Emily finally got to the door, grabbed her keys and unlocked it. One thought raised to her head, "Does she remember me enough for me to be safe when I walk in her room unexpectedly?". She managed to get rid of these thoughts once the door had a little crack open. Emily poked her head in the room. "Umm, Maragar--" Emily's mouth fell open in so much shock when she saw what was happening. A curly haired boy was sitting criss crossed on the ground, book in hand, reading it and Maragarot laying on her bed, eyes wide open listening to the reading. "Oh hello dear, my dear. I'm sorry, sorry I am. I didn't see you there, there standing" Maragot said sitting up from the bed with a kind, sweet old lady voice. She had a wierd way of speaking. "This kind boy here, kind this boy is, was just reading me a little story, a story reading he was." She continued. "Oh really, well, what's this little boy's name?" Emily asked looking over at him. He was already staring at her, the light from the window shined behind him. With the lowest voice Emily has ever heard, he said "I assure you, I'm not a little boy..." he stood up and he was much taller than Emily. Closing the book, he placed it on the bed. He walked over to Emily and stood right in front of her, inches away from their bodies touching. "Robert, 19" he said, the minty-ness of his breath hitting Emily's face. "Emily, 17" she said. "So, stop calling me little boy, you a youngin'... only 2 years older than you" Robert said staring down at her. Emily had a small strand of hair on her face, covering a very tiny portion of her eye. Robert noticed it, so he took the strand of hair, with his finger he lifted her veil up a little bit and put the little strand of hair inside her veil. "There, much better" he said with a smile and just starred at her.

She couldn't speak

She couldn't move

She couldn't breath

She was paralized. After a couple of seconds of not being able to move. She realized her cheeks where getting warm... she was blushing and she guessed he noticed too because he gave her a little chuckle and said "little tomatoe" under his breath. Once he said that, Emily remembered that this kid was the one everyone was looking for, so she cane back to reality and finally said, "Come with me". Grabbing his hand, Emily brung him to the elevator. When they where inside Emily suddendly realized they where in the 19th floor... and they had to get to the first floor... so Emily and Robert had to be alone in this elevator for 2 minutes straight. She pressed the bottom next to the one with a star. Emily turned her head and saw Robert laying on the wall, eyeballing her. She quickly turned back around once they made eye contact. There was a long moment of silence until Robert finally broke the ice: "I don't understand why nuns wear those" he said out of nowhere. "Wear what? Our veils?" Emily asked for a better understanding. "Yeah those things. They cover up ya whole head. You would look way prettier if you took it off, to be honest" he said looking down. Emily turned and gave him a straight face "Are you saying I don't look pretty?" She said quietly. He looked up emmidietly and walked towards her a bit "Oh no, I umm, I didn't mean to say that, I uh..." Robert says very startled. "I'm just joking, kid" Emily says and gives him a gently/playful punch. "Hey, that's not funny, I thought you was mad for a second" Robert says calming down a little. "I do that to all my new patients, play around with them, it's a way to make them feel more 'comfortable' with being here" Emily said looking infront of her, at the doors of the elvator. "I'm already comfortable" he said a little shyly. "Oh really? No one gets comfortable this early... it usually takes about a month or so" Emily says smiling a little, knowing that he was already fine with being here. "Yeah, but I'm comfortable only because of one person" he says looking down again. "Really and who might that be?" Emily asks looking at him again with a sign of curiosity written all over her face. He raised his head very slowly and when he was starring straight at her he said one word


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